Sections: Introduction, Insights, Future of Data Science, Academic Sources, Decentralized ML, Decentralized Game Theory, Algorithm Design, Projects, Tutorials, Others;
- 10min video - Siraj Raval uploading compressed knowledge straight into your mind. There is much more where that came from! I strongly recommend watching all of Siraj's videos about blockchain.
- Blockchain Handbook - A somewhat bulky (55 pages) but very easy to read blockchain primer overviewing the whole domain.
- Technical introduction - A great medium post taking you step-by-step through essential building blocks of blockchain.
- New protocol layer - How blockchain fits into the landscape of existing internet protocols.
- Non-tech introduction - Key takeaways from TED talks about blockchain.
- What is decentralization? - An non-technical article by NASDAQ.
- History - A goldmine of publications that shaped blockchain into what it is today. Mostly about Bitcoin.
- What is blockchain? - Blockchains ensure integrity and trust between strangers. They make it difficult to cheat. The Internet of Everything needs a Ledger of Everything.
- Truth about blockchain - Blockchain as a fundamental rather than a disruptive technology. After TCP/IP was created in 1972 many companeis created localized networks . The same is now happening with private blockchains. They will not stand the test of time, just as intranets didn't.
- Key security - A great article about why security of rpivate keys and not scalability is the biggest obstackle for mass adoption of blockchain.
- Zk-proofs - A non-technical explanation of importance of zero-knowledge proofs.
- Why decentralization matters
- Convergence of gradient descent - Consensus optimization problems in multi-agent networks arise in collaborative data mining. This paper describes relation of network topology, stepsize etc with properties of convergence for various parameters.
- Decentralized Nash Equillibrium - Mean field (MF) games.
- Researcher in game theory - Many GT problems relating to blockchain, but not only.
- Bulletproofs - Reduction of proof storage complexity from llinear to logarithmic.
- OpenMined - A marketplace for AI models. This is the future of Artificial Intelligence!
- BigChainDB - A scalable, decentralized database with Byzantine Fault Tolerance, tailored to the needs of life sciences.
- Ocean Protocol - A protocol powering BigChainDB, enabling a decentralized data marketplace to power AI of the future.
- Cardano - An emerging alternative to Ethereum for developing DApps.assets.
- OpenBazaar - Market place for everything, a decentralized eBay.
- Stellar - Blockchain infrastructure for financial systems.
- Cryptokitties Smart Contract - The silly but effective face of the ERC721 token for trading non-tangible goods. Cryptokitties is the most successful smart contract in history of blockchain.
- Blockchain in 200 lines - Make your own blockchain!
- DApps for beginners - A bit outdated library describing an Ethereum-based blockchain stack. Good starting point if you're developing in JavaScript.
- Running a node - Setting up a blockchain node on Xenial.
- UI for Blockchain - Not technical but a quick nice read.
- Scala blockchain - An introduction to how Scorex make building modular blockchains easy.
- Cryptography primer - Overview of concepts from cryptography for those with basic understanding of mathematical notation.
- Encryption library - A library from Microsoft that can be used to implement a fully homomorphic encryption scheme.
- Cheap Cloud - VPS instances starting at 3e per month.
- IBM vs Microsoft - Blockchain business warfare from perspective of tech giants.