This is the next version of Passport; rebuilt in NodeJS Passport Live is a modern web app for schools that helps them manage passes.
Raven and are included if you install the optional deps. See docs for more info
NOTE: These instructions are assuming you are using Ubuntu 16.04+ LTS
- Install the latest version of NodeJS Here
a. Be sure that NPM was also installed. - Install
by following this tutorial. - Give your user account ownership of npm. This is so you don't need sudo.
a. First Try:~$ sudo chown -R $(whoami) ~/.npm
b. If that dosn't work, try:sudo chown -R $(whoami) /usr/local/lib/node_modules
- Download the latest version of "Passport-Live",
~$ mv
it to your desiered location ~$ cd
into its containing folder and then Unzip it.- Run
~$ npm install
a. (NOTE.) If you get errors related to "node-sass", runrm -rf node_modules
and then run~$ npm install --unsafe-perm
- Run
~$ rethinkdb
- Run in a new termanal instance
~$ npm run configure:db
- Once that is done, run
~$ npm run configure:root
to create an admin permission key to create an account. - CTRL^C Exits the program.
We HIGHLY recommend that you use git for updating the code, however please be sure that there are no breaking changes documented or you may have to change any coustom code.
If you are using git:
Before you update for the first time, please run ~$ git update-index --skip-worktree config/local.json && git update-index --skip-worktree config/default.json && git update-index --skip-worktree config.js
To update, run git pull
To start the server, run ~$ npm run db
THEN ~$ npm start
from within the folder "package.json" is located.
Tmux may be useful for servers.
Thanks to CrossBrowserTesting we are able to ensure that Passport works, not only on Chrome, but on many popular mobile devices and browsers. CBT helps us to cut down on UI testing and focus on adding new features.
This is a work in progress.
Found here or if you want a link for your site, you can use:[SIZE]x[SIZE].png
For just the anchor, use