- Code for our paper MQAG: Multiple-choice Question Answering and Generation for Assessing Information Consistency in Summarization
- The paper is accepted and to appear at AACL 2023
*Update (23/03/2023): MQAG implementation is added to selfcheckgpt
package. To use MQAG in this package:
pip install selfcheckgpt
Example usage (full example in this Jupyter notebook)
from selfcheckgpt.modeling_mqag import MQAG
mqag_model = MQAG()
# Usage1: MQAG-score [Generation + Answering]
# return dict consisting of various statistical distance, e.g. KL-div, Counting, Hellinger Distance, Total Variation
score = mqag_model.score(candidate=summary, reference=document, num_questions=5, verbose=True)
# Usage2: MQAG-generate (Multiple-chioce Question Generation)
questions = mqag_model.generate(context=context, do_sample=True, num_questions=3)
for i, question_item in enumerate(questions):
print(f"Q{i}: {question_item['question']}")
print(f"A: {question_item['options'][0]}")
print(f"B: {question_item['options'][1]}")
print(f"C: {question_item['options'][2]}")
print(f"D: {question_item['options'][3]}")
# Usage3: MQAG-answer (Multiple-chioce Question Answering)
questions = [{'question': question, 'options': options}]
probs = mqag_model.answer(questions=questions, context=context)
- Please read our paper for the information on MQAG
- Model weights are available on HuggingFace:
(RACE): https://huggingface.co/potsawee/t5-large-generation-race-QuestionAnswergeneration_model_1
(SQuAD): https://huggingface.co/potsawee/t5-large-generation-squad-QuestionAnswergeneration_model_2
: https://huggingface.co/potsawee/t5-large-generation-race-Distractoranswering_model
: https://huggingface.co/potsawee/longformer-large-4096-answering-race
- Requirements: We've tested on python 3.8 and other packages are shown in
python inference_mqag.py
takes the arguments below. source and summary files contain text in the one document per line format (see examples/...)
- source_path: path to source (text) file
- summary_path: path to summary (text) file
- mqag_variant: mqag_src | mqag_sum
- num_samples: number of questions to be drawn
- generation_model1_path: path to Question+Answer Gen (t5-large)
- generation_model2_path: path to Distractor Gen (t5-large)
- generation_model_type: e.g. t5-large
- answering_model_path: path to Answering model (longformer)
- answering_model_type: e.g. longformer
- use_gpu: True | False (whether or not to use GPU if available)
- verbose: True | False (whether or not to print information)
Example usage:
python inference_mqag.py \
--source_path=examples/0_source.txt \
--summary_path=examples/0_summary.txt \
--mqag_variant=mqag_sum \
--num_samples=10 \
--generation_model1_path=model_weights/t5-large-generation-Race-QuestionAnswer.pt \
--generation_model2_path=model_weights/t5-large-generation-Race-Distractor.pt \
--answering_model_path=model_weights/longformer-large-4096-Race-Answering.pt \
--use_gpu=True \
Example Output:
[document=1/2, multiple-choice question=1/10]
Question: Two security guards have been threatened during a robbery at a _.
(1) bank
(2) securityguard
(3) school
(4) mosque
prob_sum_y = 0.995091 0.004669 0.000126 0.000114
prob_doc_x = 0.981052 0.017671 0.000337 0.000941
prob_nocontext = 0.716027 0.043105 0.061257 0.179611
The pearson correlation coefficient (PCC) between the MQAG-score and human judgements are shown below.
Method | QAG-CNNDM | QAG-XSum | XSum-Faithful | XSum-Factual | Podcast | SummEval-Rel | SummEval-Cons |
MQAG-Src (KL-div) | 0.143 | 0.097 | 0.088 | 0.054 | 0.321 | 0.559 | 0.599 |
MQAG-Sum (KL-div) | 0.450 | 0.283 | 0.135 | 0.179 | 0.789 | 0.753 | 0.954 |
MQAG-Sum (TotalVar) | 0.462 | 0.309 | 0.221 | 0.244 | 0.770 | 0.796 | 0.933 |
MQAG-Sum (TotalVar + Answerability) | 0.502 | 0.313 | 0.306 | 0.270 | 0.855 | 0.814 | 0.945 |
- We found that comparing two distributions using a bounded distance such as total variation yields better results than KL-diveregence.
- Using answerability measure to filter out poor (i.e., unanswerable) questions improve performance.
- G1 trained on SQuAD is also available for MQAG. See our model weights on HuggingFace https://huggingface.co/potsawee/t5-large-generation-squad-QuestionAnswer.
Additional results and discussion about statistical distances, answerability, and other model variants can be found in our paper.
Note that trained weights are available with the download links provided at the beginning of README. Here, we provide the scripts to train QG and QA models, or fine-tune to other multiple-choice datasets. Hyparameters and configurations are set manually inside the scripts just before def experiment()
. The current version only supports T5 and Longformer, but you're welcome to modify the code to use a different architecture.
There are two generation models: (1) Question + Answer(supposedly correct answer) Generation; (2) Distrator Generation (the remaining options in addition to the answer).
model1: Question + Answer Generation Model
python train_generation_qa.py
model2: Distrator Generation Model
python train_generation_distractors.py
one answering model for predicting probablity over the options
python train_answering.py
We refer to the original papers that release the dataset.
Multiple-choice Reading Comprehension
Summary Evaluation
title={MQAG: Multiple-choice Question Answering and Generation for Assessing Information Consistency in Summarization},
author={Manakul, Potsawee and Liusie, Adian and Gales, Mark JF},
journal={arXiv preprint arXiv:2301.12307},