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Choosing bicycle profile

poutnikl edited this page May 5, 2017 · 12 revisions
  • I suggest in first step to choose from this main serie of profiles, depending on the ride purpose.
Purpose Profile
Fast road bike FastBike /1
Fast trekking/travelling Trekking-Fast
Non biased Trekking Trekking-Dry or Trekking /1
Trekking with more unpaved roads Trekking-MTB-Medium
Trekking with lot ofunpaved roads/light MTB profile MTB-light
MTB rides MTB profile, or @zossebart MTB profiles

/1 - standard BRouter profiles

  • If you feel the ways are generally at wet conditions, deserving a second thought about road priorities, choose the profile with affix -wet , that shifts preferences toward more pleasant surfaces. I got a very positive feedback in SEP 2016 for the long distance trip from Perpignan to Lille in France ( near 1300 km ), using Trekking-fast-wet profile.

  • If you are (not) interested in marked cycleroutes, there is a serie
    Trekking-ICR*)-Dry Trekking-Dry Trekking-FCR**)

    *) ICR = Ignore CycleRoutes, analogy to ignore_cycleroutes flag of Trekking profile
    **) FCR = Follow CycleRoutes, analogy to stick_to_cycleroutes flag of Trekking profile

  • The marked cycle routes in context of OpenStreetMaps (OSM) are categorized to 4 classes. For the purpose of my profiles, I divide them by default into

    • Local group(LG) Local routes(LCR) / Regional routes(RCR)
    • Long distance group(LD) National route (NCR) / International routes ( ICR).
    • By default, LG has lower priorities then LD, beingf somewhere between LD and not marked ways.
    • If you want LG to have the same priority as LD, choose profiles with -CRSame.
  • If you want to put extra preference for small paved roads e.g. for a group bike travelling, you may want to try profiles with -SmallRoads affix.

  • Complete set of generated profiles is stored in Bicycle template repository only, but beware of eventually being overwhelmed.

  • If you are not satisfied with available of profiles, review this GitHub wiki and inside profile comments, as various flags can be set manually in the profile, similarly as various numeric parameters. See especially the pages about MTB and smallpaved factors

  • Only the major bicycle profiles variants are present in Brouter-profiles repository to prevent profile flood/confusion.
    All profiles are in the Bicycle trekking template repository.

  • See Getting profiles Procedure .

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