branch is the file for SRS version 2,bulding the image on a Ubuntu system.
branch is the file for SRS version 3,bulding the image on a Ubuntu system.
branch is the file for SRS version 2,bulding the image on a Cent OS system.
branch is the file for SRS version 3,bulding the image on a Cent OS system.
branch is the file for Livego Media Server.
branch is an unoffical Windows build of Livego.
branch is the file for ETS Mediasrv Media Server.
This repository includes a demo of Dockerfile
to build a docker image contains SRS Media Server Verson 2 on Cent OS.
If you want to use the image directly,you can push a ready-made image(See it on Docker Hub).Feel free to try it!
Support RTMP,RTSP,HTTP-FLV,HTTP-AAC,HLS,HDS and many other streaming protols.
It can also transcoding rhe live stream,and built-in HTTP Server can be used to deliver player sites.
You can build a RTMP or HTTP-FLV cluster easily as well.
Some of the configurations are untested.Please take then at your own risk.
docker pull zhouweitong/srs-docker:v2
docker run -d \
-p 443:443 \
-p 554:554 \
-p 1935:1935 \
-p 1985:1985 \
-p 2037:2037 \
-p 2038:2038 \
-p 2039:2039 \
-p 2040:2040 \
-p 8080:8080 \
-p 8081:8081 \
-p 8082:8082 \
-p 8443:8443 \
-p 8936:8936 \
-p 50000-51000:50000-51000 \
-p 57000-58000:57200-57300 \
It automatically runs /bin/bash -c /root/start.sh
and starts the SRS server.
Run the container in the interactive mode:docker run -it
along with the parameters above.
Or:run a bash in the current runing container:docker exec -it <CONTAIER> bash
Then you can do the following:
1.Stop the srs server:/root/stop.sh
2.Modify the configuration file:vi /root/srs/conf/srs.conf
3.Restart the srs server:nohup /root/start.sh &
HTTPS Server port:443
RTSP main port:554
RTMP Control API using go-oryx:2037
HTTP Server Control API using go-oryx:2038
HTTP API Control API using go-oryx:2039
Go-oryx Worker Control API using go-oryx:2040
HTTP Server:8080
Websocket Server:8081
HTTP Server with CORS:8082
HTTP API via HTTPS Server Port:8443
HTTP-Flv Pushing:8936
RTSP using go-oryx:50000-51000
RTSP using SRS:57000-58000
HTTP Server:http://<ip>:8080/
HTTP with CORS server:http://<ip>:8082/
HTTPS Server:https://<ip>/
Websocket Server:ws://<ip>:8081/
HTTP Flv:http://<ip>:8080/http/<app>/<stream>.flv
Admin Consle:http://<ip>:8080/srs-console/index.html
Other links and settings,please refer to the config file.
is a soft link of /root/shell/start_srs.sh
,which is a sample starting script using srs itself.
is a soft link of /root/shell/stop.sh
,which is a sample stoping script.
Other shell scripts for launching single program are included in the /root/shell
You can change them according to your own condition.
is the folder for the program files.
is the folder for all the log files,and is mounted by default.
is the folder for sample configuration files,and it's mounted by default.
is the folder for the sample starting&stoping scripts,and it's mounted by default.