Various web server
current suuport nginx and caddy (personal)
MySQL-family RDBMS
including MySQL, MariaDB, Percona
including PostgreSQL, PostgreSQL-PostGIS
currently, support MongoDB, RethinkDB, Redis
ELK environment
All versions of elasticsearch, logstash, kibana WITHOUT X-Pack security plugin
Queue server
RabbitMQ is included
- Support 7.0, 7.1 and 7.2 with customizable extension
- PHP composer support
- With php-fpm / cli which will runs the same version of PHP without any conflict
Support various node.js version with yarn included. You may install 2 versions of Node.js within for better support.
Support Python2, 3
Full customizable servers
Separated log and storage data
Based on official docker for better stable
- Kim Hsiao white.shopping@gmail.com
Any contributer is welcome. Please help push request and issue me if any problem.
Many of settings are referenced from Laradock