Wrapper to compile Mosh for iOS. This is used to compile a library packaging Mosh to be used in Blink. Please do not use it to compile mosh-client or mosh-server versions. Refer to the original Mosh for that.
- XCode 7
- XCode Command Line Tools
- iOS SDK.
git submodule init
git submodule update
This script will build both Mosh and libprotobuf for iOS. The resulting Mosh for iOS will be packaged as libmoshios.framework on the root. The resulting libprotobuf.a will be under build-protobuf/protobuf-ver/lib.
If you want to customize the compilation of any piece, go to the corresopnding build-mosh or build-protobuf scripts.
Special thanks to @dariaphoebe for helping to simplify the compilation :)