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8mm 常熟农商银行群体性肺结节多人肺癌事件追踪 项目

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常熟农商银行(股票代码:601128) 8mm项目 欢迎您

我们可以在 Issues中 讨论 也可以我们的 Gitter 实时聊天群组

发生了什么 What happened


As you know, Changshu Agricultural Bank's Fintech Headquarters 2.5 Industrial Park office staff medical examination, found that a large number of employees have lung nods, and now we are in peace and rational and active communication with the bank. To create this GitHub project, I hope that you can use their wisdom, collective efforts, technical means to let you and I speak freely.


1、Q:这个项目是用来干什么的? A:这个项目是用来收集大家的证据和诉求,以及记录整个事件处理过程的

Q: What is this project for? A: This project is designed to gather evidence and claims and to document the entire incident process.

2、Q:怎样邀请更多同事加入项目?A:在项目 受邀申请 目录中提交您需要邀请的成员email

Q: How do I invite more colleagues to join a project? A: Submit the member email you need to invite in the directory of project ( "Invited Application").



3.1 因为git是分布式的,任何成员都可以保存副本
3.2 因为git的版本管理特性可以防止恶意篡改信息
3.3 因为GitHub是一个开放包容而中立安全的平台

Q: Why GitHub? Because GitHub is a magical tool that empowers our programmers. Because git is distributed, any member can save a copy. Because the version management features of git prevent malicious tampering with information. Because GitHub is an open, inclusive and secure platform.





4、git commit前使用git config -l命令查看当前项目配置,确保 和 user.email不包含个人信息

If you need to remain anonymous, please note the following: Make sure that the GitHub account nickname you use does not contain personal real-name information before you submit it. Please set up your GitHub account not to disclose email addresses. Make sure that the uploaded case information is coded with personal information. Use the git config -l command to view the current project configuration before git commit to ensure that and do not contain personal information.





Our plan. Actively collect information and appeal through this private GitHub project so that all information is fully shared. If one day we achieve the desired results, we can vote internally on whether to close the project.

我们也可以通过下面的gitter群组实时聊天 We can also talk freely in the bellow site.

我们的 Gitter 实时聊天群组



  • 1.转移安置目前仍留守在2.5产业园上班的员工至安全的办公场所
  • 2.封锁2.5产业园M3栋,员工邀请独立检测机构匿名前往,按照GB 50325-2020《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制标准》目前的空气质量
  • 3.邀请工程监理机构审计所有装修材料是否符合相关标准
  • 4.调查审计参与常熟银行2.5产业园M3栋装修施工工程的行方人员,是否涉嫌接受施工公司贿赂
  • 5.统计病例,建立跟踪档案,定期复查,银行承担费用
  • 6.调查8-10月份处理此事件的银行领导是否涉嫌渎职
  • 7.积极跟员工协商善后计划



2013年的版国标待检测的室内空气污染物有5种(氡、甲醛、苯、氨、TVOC),2020年8月1日开始实施GB 50325-2020《民用建筑工程室内环境污染控制标准》”新国标”增加了甲苯和二甲苯,共7种。






2020年10月16日,多名雇员结伴到医院复查,两位结果为:多发GGO(ground—glass opacity,GGO)肺内磨玻璃密度影。出现了:结节数目增加,普通实性结节演变成更加危险的膜玻璃结节等情况。员工代表反馈银行有某类保险可以应对这种情况,行员可以联系沟通。难道银行即将正面应对这个情况?那么非行员怎么处理呢?





常熟银行客服电话:客服(投诉监督)电话: 956020





On September 14, 2020, the lunchtime meeting informed the air test results, the air quality testing item is "air temperature, humidity, bacteria, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, formaldehyde indicators" The 2013 edition of the national standard for indoor air pollutants to be detected is 5 kinds (radon, formaldehyde, benzene, ammonia, TVOC), August 1, 2020 began to implement GB 50325-2020 "civil construction indoor environmental pollution control standards" "new national standard" added toluene and xylene, a total of 7 kinds.

This test compares the main pollutants of the new and old national standards with only formaldehyde, which is included. There is no action plan for testing compliance with the requirements of the employee.

On September 18, 2020, a girl who had graduated for more than a year went to Kowloon Hospital to review and found that the knot had grown from 2-4mm in June to 6mm. Colleagues panicked and leaders began to pay a little attention. Until then the leadership has been to maintain stability-oriented, has been thinking about big things small, small, perhaps they think that air pollution, they can be controlled by air test results, knots due to air caused by no direct inference. But now the situation is that two colleagues have been operated on, many colleagues close to 8mm. If more colleagues grow up 2mm in 3 months like this colleague. Fast-growing nods are more likely to be malignant. If there is a large area of malignant nodding, the consequences are unimaginable.

On September 25, 2020, the second employee was advised to have surgery due to an 8mm warning of lung nods, and the left lung surgery removed 5 x 4 x 2cm, about 1/9 of the lungs, and there were several small nods in the lungs. Postoperative pathological diagnosis results "pulmonary in-place adenocarcinoma with micro-immersion". Many colleagues are polyglyceric nods, the lungs have many different sizes of nods, even through regular checks, like groundhogs, one by one to remove the worsening trend of nods, I am afraid the body is also unable to carry. After all, everyone's lungs are only 9 1/9, without exception.

On October 9, 2020, Zhuhai Approved Technology Co., Ltd. went on strike. Because more than 20 employees were deployed outside the 2.5 Industrial Park at changshu Agricultural bank's fintech headquarters, most of them found lung nods. One of the teams of about ten people, almost all of them, only one was spared. The company organizes everyone to collectively refuse to go to work, unless moved out of Suzhou 2.5 Industrial Park office, to Changshu office.

On October 9, 2020, Zhuhai Approved Technology Co., Ltd. went on strike. Because more than 20 employees were deployed outside the 2.5 Industrial Park at changshu Agricultural bank's fintech headquarters, most of them found lung nods. One of the teams of about ten people, almost all of them, only one was spared. The company organizes everyone to collectively refuse to go to work, unless moved out of Suzhou 2.5 Industrial Park office, to Changshu office.

On October 10, 2020, a bank girl employee was tested for serum cancer and was first diagnosed with lung cancer. Multiple nods in the lungs, with the largest nods reaching 7mm. Graduation is only a year, into the company medical examination normal, age less than 24 years old, this thing happened, dare not tell the parents at home. Face alone in tears.

On October 16, 2020, several employees went to the hospital together for a review, and the results were: multiple GGO (ground-glass opacity, GGO) lung grinding glass density shadow. Appears: the number of nodules increased, ordinary solid nodules evolved into more dangerous membrane glass nodules and so on. Employee representatives feedback that the bank has some type of insurance to deal with this situation, the clerk can contact communication. Are banks about to face up to this situation? So what do non-operators do?


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