Hello! Thank you for checking out my color game project. This is a project I worked on during a Web Development Bootcamp course I took through Udemy. This project was coded using html, css, and vanilla javascript.
A random rgb color is generated within a span tag in the h1 element. Either 6 or 3 options are given (easy/hard) and you must guess the correct rgb color given the squares.
If you guess incorrectly, the square disappears and the span tag inside the #message area displays "try again". Once you've guessed correctly, all squares come back and display the rgb color associated with the correct answer. The header background color also changes to reflect that.
You may pick new colors or play again.
ADDITIONAL FEATURES - Things to maybe add
- Score counter that lets you determine how many before you win the game.
- Ability to decide if score starts back at zero if you lose