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Installation on Linux from scratch

Joseph Lee edited this page Oct 13, 2023 · 1 revision

This page describes how to install BANKSY from scratch on a Linux distribution. The commands here were tested on Ubuntu 22.04.

First, install build-essentials (if not already installed). This is the only step that requires sudo privileges.

# checks if installed
dpkg -s build-essential
# skip if already installed
sudo apt install build-essential

Next, download miniconda at and run the installation script.

Let $MINICONDA_PATH be the path to miniconda. Usually, $MINICONDA_PATH=/home/$USER_NAME/miniconda3. Activate conda:

source $MINICONDA_PATH/bin/activate

Install mamba:

conda install mamba -c conda-forge -y

Create an environment with R:

mamba create -n R -c conda-forge r-base -y
conda activate R

Install prerequisites for dependencies:

mamba install -c conda-forge r-essentials r-remotes imagemagick gmp glpk -y
mamba install -c anaconda libxml2 -y

Start R and install BANKSY:


Test your installation with:


which should output the package version.

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