Main file that has my neovim config.
I intentionally chose not to use a package mamager for my config. Since neovim has a pretty easy way to solve this problem, I just use git submodules to to download my packages.
graph TD;
leader1["spc spc (Telescope find_files)"]
s["s - Search"]
sb["sb (Telescope current_buffer_fuzzy_find)"]
sp["sp (Telescope live_grep)"]
t["t - Tabs and more"]
tl["tl (Telescope buffers)"]
tn["tn (tabnew)"]
tc["tc (tabclose)"]
tabnext["<tab> (tabnext)"]
tabprev["<s-tab> (tabprevious)"]
tm["tm (tabmove)"]
g["g - Git"]
gb["gb (Git blame)"]
gc["gc (Git commit)"]
ga["ga (Git add -p)"]
gs["gs (Git status)"]
gp["gp (Git push)"]
ss["s - Sessions"]
sss["ss (mksession)"]
so["so (source session)"]
leader --> leader1
leader --> s
s --> sb
s --> sp
leader --> t
t --> tl
t --> tn
t --> tc
t --> tabnext
t --> tabprev
t --> tm
leader --> g
g --> gb
g --> gc
g --> ga
g --> gs
g --> gp
leader --> ss
ss --> sss
ss --> so