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Welcome to Pradeep's profile!

Typing SVG

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pradeepsh2203's streak

πŸ‘¨β€πŸ’» Programming languages

Bash C C++ HTML Java Python JavaScript

🧰 Frameworks and libraries

ReactJs Node Js Express Js TailWind CSS

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pradeepsh2203's Top Languages
Note: Top languages is only a metric of the languages my public code consists of and doesn't reflect experience or skill level.

pradeepsh2203's Activity Graph

Pinned Loading

  1. bit-torrent bit-torrent Public

    A Bit Torrent Client for peer to peer protocol using Node.JS


  2. DriveKart DriveKart Public

    The github repo of the api(

    JavaScript 4

  3. Earthquake_data Earthquake_data Public

    Created a Gui which shows real time data of earthquake in the world (which is accessed directly from a US website) and shown on a world map


  4. Vision_project Vision_project Public

    In this repo we have stored the files of our vision project

    Python 2

  5. Rubik-cube Rubik-cube Public

    Program to solve a rubicks cube optimally

    Jupyter Notebook 4

  6. Workstreett/workstreet-frontend Workstreett/workstreet-frontend Public
