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gograph is to graph databases what the Go's sql package is for SQL(and SQL-like) databases.

The project aims to provide a mechanism to interact with any graph database using a unified and minimalistic API layer for the core operations on a graph database.

Advanced functionality APIs can be built upon the core API layer. The small API surface of the core layer allows implementors to provide support for newer graph databases easily.

Software Requirements

  • Go version 1.18 and above for code development
  • Docker runtime to execute integration tests
  • Connectivity to an instance of a graph database for integration tests.

Supported Graph databases

Database Name gograph version
Neo4J v0.1.0
Memgraph v0.1.0
Agensgraph v0.2.0

Source code layout

Package Name Description
core Core struct and type definitions. Provides the Connection interface to be implemented for providing core graph operations related to query execution
query/cypher Utility structs for building cypher queries
omg Object Mapped Graph layer that facilitates storage and retrieval of user defined structs as vertices and edges within the graph database
neo Neo4J specific implementation of the Connection interface
memgraph Memgraph specific implementation of the Connection interface
agensgraph Agensgraph specific implementation of the Connection interface
integrationtests Integration tests to validate core operations on target graph database instances


Include the project within a Go project using the go get tool

go get

The layered nature of gograph allows developers to choose the mechanism of interaction with the graph database.

  • Directly consume the Connection API and express their implementation in terms of core.Vertex and core.Edge objects. core.Vertex and core.Edge objects are converted to domain specific struct instances via custom mapping implementations
  • Consume the omg.Store API to map custom user-defined struct instances to vertices and edges and vice versa. In the current release, struct instances with primitive fields have been validate.

Connection API usage

Initializing a connection

Connections to graph databases can be obtained as below

// obtain a reference to the Neo4J connection factory method
neo4jConnectionFactory := core.GetConnectorFactory("neo4j")

// obtain a connection to the Neo4J server
connection, err := neo4jConnectionFactory(protocol, host, realm, port, map[string]interface{}{neo.NEO4J_USER_KEY: user, neo.NEO4J_PWD_KEY: pwd}, nil)

Note that the process of obtaining a connection factory only involves specifying the database type. Hence, obtaining a connection factory for another database like Memgraph is just about the same

memGraphConnectionFactory := core.GetConnectorFactory("memgraph")

// memgraph requires the same parameters for connection as Neo4J with the exception that the protocol is bolt instead of neo4j(s)
connection, err := memGraphConnectionFactory(protocol, host, realm, port, map[string]interface{}{neo.NEO4J_USER_KEY: user, neo.NEO4J_PWD_KEY: pwd}, nil)

It is evident now that the the only place where any database specific information is required is for establishing the initial connection. Once a connection instance to the target database has been obtained, the rest of the interactions with the graph database would occur through the methods of the Connection API and do not require any database specific knowledge.

The below code snippet from integration tests shows how to obtain an Agensgraph database connection

host := integrationtests.GetFromEnvWithDefault("AGENS_HOST", "localhost")
portFromEnv := integrationtests.GetFromEnvWithDefault("AGENS_PORT", "5432")
portParsed, err := strconv.ParseInt(portFromEnv, 10, 32)
port := new(int32)
*port = int32(portParsed)
db := integrationtests.GetFromEnvWithDefault("AGENS_DB", "")
suite.NotEqual("", db)
protocol := integrationtests.GetFromEnvWithDefault("AGENS_PROTOCOL", "")
userName := integrationtests.GetFromEnvWithDefault("AGENS_USER", "")
suite.NotEqual("", userName)
pwd := integrationtests.GetFromEnvWithDefault("AGENS_PWD", "")
suite.NotEqual("", pwd)
agensConnectionFactory := core.GetConnectorFactory("agens")
conn, err := agensConnectionFactory(protocol, host, "", port, core.KVMap{agensgraph.AGENS_PASSWD_KEY: pwd, agensgraph.AGENS_USER_KEY: userName}, core.KVMap{agensgraph.AGENS_DBNAME_KEY: db})

Querying and persisting

The below snippet shows the persistence of a vertex and querying it back to the underlying database

	query := "CREATE (a:Greeting) SET a.message = $message RETURN a.message + ', from node ' + id(a)"
	queryResult, err := connection.ExecuteQuery(context.Background(), query, core.Write, map[string]any{"message": "hello, world"})
	// attempt to read the node created in the above
	query = "MATCH (a:Greeting) return a"
	queryResult, err = suite.connection.ExecuteQuery(context.Background(), query, core.Read, nil)

Edge objects can be persisted and queried similarly

Refer to Neo4J Integration Test Suite for a complete set of examples of working with Neo4J.

Similarly refer to Memgraph Integration Test Suite for udnerstanding how to interact with Memgraph.

Note how the tests share a similar structure in terms of the API consumption patterns.

Refer to the Integration Tests package for examples on the API consumption.

Object Modeled Graph usage

The term Object Modeled Graph (OMG) is inspired by and is an alternative terminology to Neo4j Object Graph Mapper. In the context of gograph Object Modeled Graph refers to a graph database agnostic mapping layer between user-defined structs to underlying graph objects and vice-versa

Defining OMG compatible structs

All OMG compatible structs implement the omg.GraphObject interface. Here is a sample implementation (sourced again from the integration tests)

type person struct {
	Name string
	Age  int64

func (p *person) GetLabel() string {
	return "person"

func (p *person) GetType() omg.GraphObjectType {
	return omg.Vertex

type city struct {
	Name    string
	PinCode int64

// GetLabel returns the label associated with the graph object
func (c *city) GetLabel() string {
	return "City"

// GraphType() returns the type associated with the Graph object
func (c *city) GetType() omg.GraphObjectType {
	return omg.Vertex

type livesin struct {
	Since int64
	Area  string

// GetLabel returns the label associated with the graph object
func (lv *livesin) GetLabel() string {
	return "LIVES_IN"

// GraphType() returns the type associated with the Graph object
func (lv *livesin) GetType() omg.GraphObjectType {
	return omg.Edge

Given the above user defined struct instances, the below snippet shows how to persist and query these struct instances to the underlying graph database

func (suite *Neo4JIntegrationTestSuite) TestStoreOmgStructAsVertex() {
	p := person{Name: "Tom", Age: 10}
	err :=, &p)
	p2, err :=, &person{Name: "Tom", Age: 10})
	suite.Equal(1, len(p2))
	suite.Equal(p, *(p2[0].(*person)))


Storing and retrieving an edge is on similar lines

func (suite *Neo4JIntegrationTestSuite) TestStoreOmgStructsAsEdge() {
	p := person{Name: "Tom", Age: 10}
	c := city{Name: "Mumbai", PinCode: 400001}
	r := livesin{Area: "Town Hall", Since: 1982}

	vc := omg.VertexRelation{SourceVertex: &p, DestinationVertex: &c, Relationship: &r}
	err :=, &vc)


	// query the edge back
	vrs, err :=, &vc)
	suite.Equal(1, len(vrs))
	suite.Equal(vc, *vrs[0])

Running integration tests

Running integration tests has the following pre-requisites

  • Docker runtime installed on the developer desktop
  • Docker container running the specific graph database service.

Most of the standard well-known graph databases are available as docker container images. Using docker facilitates a uniform test fixture executing environment.

To run integrattion tests run the following command from the project root

chmod +x

Functionality Coverage

The gograph module has been developed and tested on the community editions of the graph databases mentioned in supported databases section. There are no APIs around additional functionality that is exposed by enterprise editions of these databases.

However for Neo4J, the ability to specify the target database is supported within the Neo4J connector shipped with this module.


You can contribute to gograph in many ways, all of which are equally welcome :)

  • Contributing connection support for newer graph databases
  • Contribute higher order graph functionality API based on the core API.
  • File issues/enhancement requests for existing functionalities.
  • Implement fixes/enhancements to the framework
  • Improve Godoc and test coverage
  • Spread awareness and excitement about the project by blogging about it
  • Fork and Star the project and build something awesome :)