A private GKE cluster created using the following ip ranges,
creates a non operational gke cluster due to some core services be unreachable.
In the google cloud web console, under kubernetes engine show system workloads.
When a new gke cluster is using this set of ipranges.
Specifically when the container range is172.17.0.0/16
services goes into a crash loop, then causing other services to crash after.
# main.tf, module "vpc"
ip_cidr_range = ""
service_ip_range = ""
container_ip_range = ""
Container logs for those crashing workloads indicate a network time out to/from the service ip range.
The same module works fine when using a different set of iprages.
# main.tf, module "vpc"
ip_cidr_range = ""
service_ip_range = ""
container_ip_range = ""
- Clone the repo and modify the local values in the main.tf
locals {
project = "< enter the gcp project name >"
region = "australia-southeast1"
name = "subnet-anomaly"
- Apply the configuration from the root folder.
terraform init
terraform plan
terraform apply
- Destroy
terraform destroy