#Hierarchical agglomerative clustering
##EXPLANATION Hierarchial clustering begins with considering each point as it's own cluster. Then recursively the two closeet clusters are merged together, forming the parent in the dendogram.
In this assignment, each point is a point in the eucledian space denoted by a set of N dimensions.
There are various data structures in this algorithm:
DIMENSIONS - an integer indicating the number of dimensions present for each point in the eucledien space
POINTS_COUNT - an integer representing the number of points present in the input file
input_point_list = [[1.0,2.3,4,2,1.3],[2.3,13.2,1.4,2.4],[]...] - a list containing all the input points
heap = [[distance,[(cluster1),(cluster2)]], [distance,[(cluster1),(cluster2)]], ...] - distance is an float value between cluster1 and cluster2
not_considered_list = [(cluster1), (cluster2), ...] - This is a list indicating the clusters that have not been encountered yet. Suppose points 'a' and 'b' are merged to form cluster 'ab' then, individual points 'a' and 'b' are removed from this list and 'ab' is added.
all_clusters_dict = 150 -> [[point1], [point2], ... , [point150]]
149 -> [[point1,point2], point3, point4, ... , point149]
148 ->
147 ->
146 ->
3 -> [[point1..point50],[point51..point100],[point101...point150]]
2 -> [[point1..point75], [point76..point150]]
1 -> [[point1, point2, .. point150]]
Suppose there are 150 points.
Key is the number of clusters, value is the list of clusters.
value is a list - with all the clusters again represented as an individual list
read_input_list() : input_point_list
for every combination of points in the input_point_list
Compute pairwise distance
add [distance, [(point1), (point2)]] to the heap
initiatialize_not_considered_list() : not_considered_list //This will now look like - [(point1), (point2), ..., (pointN)]
cluster_iteration_number = POINTS_COUNT
while cluster_iteration_number >= 1:
min_distance_cluster = heappop()
cluster1 = min_distance_cluster[1][0]
cluster2 = min_distance_cluster[1][1]
if both cluster1 and cluster2 are in not_considered_list:
remove cluster1 and cluster2 from n_c_l
new_cluster = cluster1 + cluster2
compute pairwise distance with new_cluster and the rest of the elements in n_c_l
copy n_c_l to all_cluster_dict[cluster_iteration_number]
cluster_iteration_number --
Say for k = 3
Find all possible pairs in cluster1, cluster2 and cluster3.
Compute all the possible pairs in the gold standard
Compare the pairs produced by this algorithm vs the pairs of gold standard and compute the precision and recall