Instructions on how to work with the script:
- Create a read/write token in your Black Duck instance and keep it handy.
- Install requirements using the command mentioned below.
- Follow the DOC instructions using the --help command on the script
Use the requirements file to install dependencies using:
- pip install -r requirements.txt
What can the script do right now?
- Goes through the BOM
- Identifies CentOS/ RedHat origins
- Queries Redhat, checks for "Not Affected" origins for Enterprise Linux 6/7/8
- If things are not affected, marks them as "Ignored" on the BOM
- Provide additional link to RHSA json for access to raw data in the description
Sample Command: --instance --token <token_from_bd> --project <project_uuid_on_bd> --version <version_uuid_on_bd>