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V8 Internals - A Security Nerd's Perspective


Open-source software is often passively trusted by users and developers. This is especially true for modern web-browsers like Chromium, which touches a user's personal data very frequently. However, browsers are hard to secure, inherently complex machines. Most browsers have their own memory management and system software, almost like an operating system. In this study, we present the internals of the V8 engine, which is the JavaScript engine powering the Chromium web-browser. We analyze the major components in-depth and then dive into taint-tracking implementation / previous vulnerabilities in order to explore the current landscape systematically. We intend to provide a one-stop location to understand the core V8 internals, while looking for opportunities for improvement from a security perspective.


The twenty-first century can be thought of as a century of open-source software. From industrial systems all the way to your microwave, systems might be running a version of open-source software. While we use a lot of this software indirectly, web browsers are a unique breed. From an application perspective, they allow us to interact with the world and do anything from sending an email, all the way to stream videos and games via the cloud. On the software end, Chromium does its own memory management, has a builtin interpreter, and compiler which generates code. Chromium has characteristics of application software and system software all at once.

We trust our web browser with all of our personal data. But where does this trust come from? Since it is open-source, it is important that some formal verification goes into the system[1]. Google manages this responsibility via their bug bounty system[2] and through various other means. However, Chromium's codebase changes significantly over time, hence we must keep the barrier to entry low enough so that new researchers find it easy to get started with Chromium and improve on its security.

The goal of this study is to make such contributions to a component of Chromium, specifically its JavaScript engine, V8. The V8 engine is also used in NodeJS, to run JavaScript code on the server-side, as well as other standalone application frameworks, such as electron. This causes security bugs in V8 to have a much larger blast radius when something does go wrong.

V8 has a steep learning curve for anyone who has little experience working on the Chromium codebase. While documentation exists for developers, there is little documentation for anyone looking from a security perspective. There has been some notable work by Sergei Glazunov[9], Stephen Röttger[3], Jeremy Fetiveau[4], Samuel Groß[5], and Javier Jimenez[6][7], who all have published blog posts on their findings. There have also been several fuzzing projects[8] introduced, with enough documentation so that anyone can use those tools. However, these resources do not give someone who is new to the field enough information to begin their research, and while fuzzing can cover more code in a faster time, it is no replacement for code review and documentation on how the systems work internally.

We will start by exploring some background work which is required to understand the V8 engine better. This will mainly consist of some newer C++11/14 features which chromium codebase makes us of, and a tour of V8. Next, we shall explore the internals in a sequential and easy to follow manner, which would give you a tour of the components inside V8.


The V8 and Chromium codebases are written using the C++14 standard at the time of writing. V8 exploits a lot of newer C++14 features like const-expr, auto among others to write code in a very extensible way. Ideas relating to this have been covered in the C++ Intro article.

V8 is a JavaScript optimizing compiler. It has an interpreter and an optimizing compiler, which can collect type information while JavaScript is running and produce more specialized and efficient code. The document high level tour goes over the major components inside V8 to give you a summary of the components inside V8.

The remainder of the report is divided into several sections. Internals provides a view of the major components in V8 without any assumed prior knowledge. Following that, Experiements discusses various experiments and hands-on activities we performed to understand one or more components in greater depth. Lastly, we present an analysis of aversion of V8 which was modified to implement taint-tracking String objects.


In this section, we will start looking into various major components inside the V8 engine.

V8 Codebase

In the V8 codebase exploration article, we go over the location where the codebase for the components we learned about in the high level tour are located. Some new components like codegen and execution are also introduced, which act as entities which makes V8 work together well.


In the Optimizing Compiler - Turbofan article, we explore Turbofan - "The optimizing compiler inside V8". This article goes in depth on how the optimizing compiler works, the Sea of Nodes, and Typing. It also describes turbolizer which is a tool that can be used to analyze Javascript code which is getting optimized by Turbofan, as well as other debugging techniques.

JavaScript Variables' Representation in V8

In the JavaScript Objects in memory article, we go over how V8's memory management and object creation backend functions to create JavaScript objects. Key ideas, such as how JavaScript functions look like in C++ memory, Pointer Compression, Shapes & Hidden Classes, inline caches are discussed here. This information will prove to be helpful in understanding how any basic JavaScript object (like String) is implemented in the V8 engine.

CSA, Torque & Builtins

In the Builtins article, we explore how the ECMAScript standard is implemented in V8 (builtins). Since V8 needs to produce bytecode, which is platform-dependent, a lot of architecture-specific tweaks are possible to boost performance. Rather than handcrafting builtins for each of the many platforms, V8 built a higher level assembler, which allows us to write the builtins in near assembly and then compiles it down to an architecture-optimized version.


While in the Internals section we read through great details about the major components of V8, nothing compares to a hands-on experience playing around with the components.

Embedding V8 - Tracing Control Flow

In this two part series, we explore how the idea of Embedding V8 works. In the V8 exploration - I, we look at the basics of embedding V8 inside another program. This is the technique that is used by Chromium, NodeJS, and others to interface with V8 invisibly.

In V8 exploration - II, we try executing a simple line of JavaScript code and tracing it through the V8 codebase. This helps us to get an intuitive understanding of the locations which are hit by the V8 codebase when the interesting functions are called. We also discuss how to effectively use GDB while debugging V8.

JavaScript Engine Exploitation Primitives

In the V8 Exploitation Primitives article, we shift gears and talk about the exploitation primitives which have existed in the V8 engine subspace. Here we discuss the primitives that we want to gain through a bug, allowing us to gain different kinds of privileges. This is done through the exploration of various examples.

Squashing Bugs

This article covers security mechanisms that V8 has already implemented. It also delves into helpful topics like the Chromium Bug Tracker, the Changelog, and ongoing security projects at Google.

Taint - Tracking in V8

Browsers touch data originating from a lot of sources. Often webpages have differentiating and unusual characteristics when it comes to how user data touches various components of a webpage. This can be effectively utilized to detect and track certain kinds of behaviors often exhibited during exploitation. However, to achieve this, we need to track the flow of this tainted information. This requires support at the platform level. For browsers like chromium, taint tracking can help us detect vulnerabilities like XSS, which was demonstrated by a paper from cylab[10]. However, chromium doesn't provide any native taint tracking support. Hence the researchers went and customized the chromium build to support taint tracking. This was not a trivial task. Having a good grasp of the major components inside V8 is required to make the numerous changes required to incorporate such functionality into V8.

Thus in the following posts, we shall look into the efforts which were made and explore the actual source code modification which allows taint tracking, with a special emphasis on V8-based modifications.

Tweaking / Adding a new Object type to V8

Before we start propagating any kind of taint data, we need to figure out how to store that taint data. Taint data can be maintained at different granularity levels. In the article taints in V8, we explore one possible way of modifying the base String class to incorporate taint data.

Taint Tracking Overview

The base ideas explored here is to augment the String class to incorporate a byte to taint data per byte of string data. This helps us propagate the taint at a very fine grain level. We also have to change a few things around in the Factory, to properly generate these objects.

Propagating Taints in V8

Once we have the idea of a changed String class, the next step would be to accommodate the actual taint propagation inside V8 during the interaction between different string objects. In the post taint_tracking_stroucki, we explore how taints initially get introduced from blink and then look at the builtins which are responsible for propagating the taint as different objects interact.

Once we have some idea of the locations where taint is propagated, next would be to look at how exactly taint propagation functions. This is where the taint_tacking library which was custom built for the very task comes in. the post taint_tracking_stroucki_II, discusses the codebase which is actually responsible for the taint management. This is the library that is triggered by the builtins, each time we need to propagate any taint data.

This in a nutshell instructs V8 to actually call out /taint_tracking library during string operations at all the applicable places (which are quite a few in number).

Propagating Taint in Blink & though V8

Once we have a working taint propagation system in V8, the next point of attack would be to actually generate the initial points of taint and mark the sinks. In the post taint_tracking_stroucki_III, we discuss how we configure blink to mark the taint sources and sinks alongside enable taint propagation defined in the blink specific functions.

This involves copying over out taint_tracking logic to chromium and integrating it with Blink's V8 embedding to appropriately propagate taints for the operations happening on the blink side with V8's memory space. The communication is taken care of by the Protobuf and some sweet IPC. We also make changes to the String based functions inside Blink to identify taint sources and sinks.

Exploiting a V8 N-Day

We have 2 articles to explain a V8 bug from 2020; including how it was found, fully understanding it, and actually exploiting it. We used this as an opportunity to get some initial exploration in exploit writing for V8. This will lead to our final topic from the bug research side. The initial look describes the bug and its fixes and the second article contains the exploit walkthrough.


[1] M. Curphey and D. A. Wheeler, “Improving Trust and Security in Open Source Projects,” p. 27.

[2] ‘Chrome Rewards – Application Security – Google’. (accessed Dec. 03, 2020).

[3] Ben, ‘Project Zero: Trashing the Flow of Data’, Project Zero, May 10, 2019. (accessed Aug. 30, 2020).

[4] ‘Diary of a reverse-engineer - Jeremy “__x86” Fetiveau’. (accessed Aug. 30, 2020).

[5] Tim, ‘Project Zero: JSC Exploits’, Project Zero, Aug. 29, 2019. (accessed Aug. 30, 2020).

[6] ‘SensePost | Intro to chrome’s v8 from an exploit development angle’. (accessed Aug. 25, 2020).

[7] ‘SensePost | The hunt for chromium issue 1072171’. (accessed Aug. 30, 2020).

[8] ‘v8/test/fuzzer’, GitHub. (accessed Aug. 30, 2020).

[9] A Tale of Two Pwnies (Part 1)’, Chromium Blog. (accessed Aug. 30, 2020).

[10] L. Bauer, S. Cai, and L. Jia ‘Run-time Monitoring and Formal Analysis of Information Flows in Chromium – NDSS Symposium’. (accessed Dec. 07, 2020).


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