(header=0: We must specify the header information at row 0, parse_dates=True: We give the function a hint that data in the first column contains dates that need to be parsed, index col=0: We hint that the first column contains the index information for the timeseries, squeeze=True: We hint that we only have one data column and that we are interested in a Series and not a DataFrame)
- How to load your time series dataset from a CSV file using Pandas.
- How to peek at the loaded data and query using date-times.
- How to calculate and review summary statistics.
- Date Time Features
- Lag Features (shift())
- Rolling Window Statistics (rollling(window=2)
- Expanding Window Statistics
- Line Plots (pd.grouper())
- Histograms and Density Plots.
- Box and Whisker Plots.
- Heat Maps.
- Lag Plots or Scatter Plots.
- Autocorrelation Plots.
resample('D') to resample & interpolate() function to interpolate missing values.
- Identify a quadratic change and use the square root transform.
- Identify an exponential change and how to use the log transform.
- Use the Box-Cox transform to perform square root and log transforms andautomatically optimize the transform for a dataset.
- Simple Moving average
- Weighted Moving average
- Exponential moving average
- Explonetial smoothing moving average
A time series is white noise if the variables are independent and identically distributed with a mean of zero. This means that all variables have the same variance (sigma2) and each value has a zero correlation with all other values in the series.
- White noise time series is defined by a zero mean, constant variance, and zero correlation,
- If your time series is white noise, it cannot be predicted, and if your forecast residuals are not white noise, you may be able to improve your model.
- Random Walk and Autocorrelation.
- Random Walk and Stationarity.
- y(t) = Level + Trend + Seasonality + Noise, y(t) = Level * Trend * Seasonality * Noise
- The importance and types of trends that may exist in time series and how to identify them.
- How to use a simple differencing method to remove a trend.
- How to model a linear trend and remove it from a sales time series dataset.