Java based Multi-threaded File server Application meant to satisfy multiple client requests through socket connections/request
Multiple clients talk to a single server through common/ constant port number (in a network, a port binding), each client request serves as a new server connection (aka a client handler), on every new client request invocation the main thread at the server starts a new worker thread through start method thus calls run method implemented via Runnable interface. Thus server serves the client request through a separate server connection thread and creates a new socket connection.
index should return the total available files stored at the server, in this project these files are stored in a folder called "files", namely two files , names.txt and companies.txt : return these file names.
upon invocation by a client program "get names.txt" operation server should not only send back an OK messages but its content as well.
using input and output streams between both client and the server, data is flushed and sent to-and-fro over the network.
Goto the package com.fileserverapp.server (located inside src/main/java folder) and select is our server, which is has to be run first), run in the eclipse then open com.fileserverapp.client package (located inside src/main/java folder) and select the should start after the server is started), run in eclipse, in such a way run various instances of the same program which would invoke multiple ServerConnection(threads are spun), now enter an operation(through command-line), prompt the name of the operation in a command line by typing the name for example, "index" would get response from the server in the form of total available files.