Created for our college Cloud Computing pracs
- AWS Lambda (to host functions)
- Amazon HTTP API Gateway
- Amazon DynamoDB
- Amazon Simple Email Service
- Amazon S3 (for website hosting)
The entire code is defined with the help of AWS SAM templates.
AWS SAM templates help:-
- Make it easy for us to visualize and understand our AWS infrastructure
- Make it easy for us to make changes
- Make it easy for us to change zones
- Functions to support reading and writing Customer Info
- Function to send emails to new customers (uses DynamoDB to trigger function which sends email)
- Most users would already have Google Account
- Firebase makes it easy to use Google Auth
- Firebase Auth is free
- Firebase Auth is easy to integrate.
For further details, check @pratikpc's article
- Our frontend is written in React
- Uses GitHub Actions to deploy to Amazon S3 Web Hosting and GitHub Pages
- @pratikpc
- @RahimChunara