An API across multiple programming languages to use with the PRUs to load binaries, start/stop, and communicate with the PRUs from the ARM userspace.
An Introductory Video describing the project:
An example made using the API:
The cpp-bindings
interact with the Python Daemon Service through a UNIX Domain Socket file at /tmp/pruss.sock
of the Linux file system.
The cpp-bindings
passes the appropriate request to the daemon through the socket file. The
daemon performs the required PRU-related task with root permissions and sends back the return value.
The bindings for other scripting languages can then be built upon the cpp-bindings using SWIG, which takes C++ declarations and creates wrappers needed to access those declarations from other languages. Bindings have also been provided for 'C' language.
The API which contains the C++ bindings to control the PRUs using prussd.pyprussd/
The Directory which contains the files related to the daemon which will run as a system service and serve PRU requests. This code does the actual work of controlling the PRUs.examples/
The Directory which contains the example codes using the bindings. Contains firmware examples as well.example1/
: A simple LED Blinky example.example2-rpmsg-pru1/
: RPMsg Loopback - simplest RPMsg firmware for testing.example3-pwm/
: A PWM generator maximum frequency of about 1MHz.example4-analog-wave-gen/
: A PWM generator maximum frequency of about 1MHz.example5-multichannel-pwm/
: Multi-channel PWM based on the example given in PRU Cookbook - Accuracy needs to be improved.example6-memory-debug/
: To read/write to PRU SRAM/DRAM using /dev/mem and to demonstrate showRegs.example7-stepper-control/
: A library to accurately control stepper motors which are driven by the PRU.example8-multiple-assembly-calls/
: To demonstrate how to link together multiple .asm files and call them from the C-program. Control is passed back to the C-program by using R3.w2example9-multichannel-waveform-gen/
: Expanding example4 to upto 8-channels.
The Directory which contains the swig config and interface filesDocumentation
Contains the API Documentation/
The install script for the projectdrivers
A dedicated rpmsg driver for the bindings calledpruss_api
There are two ways for installation:-
- Download the packaged .deb file from releases.
Rundpkg -i pruapi_1.0-1_armhf.deb
- Clone this repository:
git clone
- Run the install script
cd PRUSS-Bindings/
- The API is now ready to use, run any specific example from
'ing into the directory and runningmake
. The Makefile will compile the PRU-firmware, load them on to the PRU(using /lib/firmware), compile the userspace program and run it.
- Clone this repository:
Make sure that RPMsg is working, here's a guide for it.
After installation, this is how a simple userspace program looks like:
#include <iostream>
#include <pruss.h>
using namespace std;
int main()
PRUSS& p = PRUSS::get();
PRU p1 = p.pru1;
cout << "Firmware loaded\n";
return -1;
string s;
cout << "Enter a message : ";
getline(cin, s);
cout << "Message from PRU : "<< p1.getMsg();
return 0;
If installation is done from the debian package, compile using:
g++ userspace.cpp -L/usr/lib -lpruss
If installed from source, the processor directive must be #include "path/to/cpp-bindings/pruss.h"
. Run this program by:
g++ userspace.cpp /path/to/cpp-bindings/pruss.cpp -o userspace.o
HDMI should be disabled. Otherwise this error is encountered:
P9_31 pinmux file not found!
bash: /sys/devices/platform/ocp/ocp*P9_31_pinmux/state: No such file or directory
Cannot write pinmux file: /sys/devices/platform/ocp/ocp*P9_31_pinmux/state
sudo vim /boot/uEnv.txt
.- uncomment the line
The PRU compiler and linker are already installed on the standard images. They are called clpru and lnkpru.
export PRU_CGT=/usr/share/ti/cgt-pru
mkdir -p bin
cd bin
- ln -s which clpru .
- ln -s which lnkpru .
Refer and!topic/beagleboard/MBmIm0EnNfc