Often, as organizations grow, it can be difficult to meet different kinds of people. Lunch Tag Bot aims to address that by randomly pairing interested individuals to have lunch together, and thus get to know each other.
This project has been set up to enable easy modification and integration into any workplace or organization. It will first support UI integration with slack only. In the future, though, this can be extended to many other organizational chat/communication systems.
We expect you to have the following installed:
- Python 2.7
- Pip
- Virtualenv and Virtualenvwrapper
- Create a new virtual environment
mkvirtualenv <<virtual_env_name>>
- Enter virtual environment
workon <<virtual_env_name>>
- Create your builder
(echo "LTB_VIRTUAL_ENV_DIRECTORY=$WORKON_HOME/<<virtual_env_name>>"; cat build_common.txt) > build.sh
- Install dependencies
pip install -r requirements.txt
All you need to do in order to use this project for your own organization is make the following changes to settings.py
(In Progress ...)
We designed this project to run on AWS Lambda. Here's how you can get it runningTo
- Build your project
bash build.sh
You should see a file named build.zip
- In Progress ...