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quasar-datasource-azure Discord


libraryDependencies += "com.precog" %% "quasar-datasource-azure" % <version>


Configuration for the Azure datasource has the following JSON format

  "container": String,
  "storageUrl": String,
  "format": {
    "type": "json" | "separated-values"
    // for "json"
    "precise": Boolean,
    "variant" "array-wrapped" | "line-delimited"
    // for "separated-values", all strings must be one symbol length
    "header": Boolean,
    // The first char of row break
    "row1": String,
    // The second char of row break, empty string if row break has only one symbol
    "row2": String,
    // Column separator (char)
    "record": String,
    "openQuote": String,
    "closeQuote": String,
    "escape": String
  ["credentials": Object,]
  ["maxQueueSize": Number]
  • container the name of the Azure blobstore container to use.
  • storageUrl the Azure storage URL to use. Typically this will be an URL of the form https://<accountName>
  • format the format of the resource referred to by url. CSV/TSV, array wrapped json and line delimited jsons are supported
  • credentials (optional, default = empty) Azure credentials to use for access. Object has the following format: { "accountName": String, "accountKey": String }.
  • maxQueueSize (optional, default = 10) maximum amount of ByteBuffers that can be kept in a queue when downloading a resource. When the queue is full, downloading will halt. Downloading will continue again when a ByteBuffer is dequeued. Usually this value does not need to be overridden, but it can be increased in case downloading halts too often, or decreased to reduce memory use.