~250 line TS library for byte buffer manipulation
find it on npm here.
use npm:
npm install byffer.ts
or just copy paste the byffer.ts file since it's so small
create a ByteBuf
instance to store and read manipulate your data.
it can be created empty, or using pre-existing data
import ByteBuf from 'byffer.ts';
// Create an empty buffer with 128 bytes
let buf: ByteBuf = ByteBuf.emptyBuffer(128);
// or, use an existing ArrayBuffer like class (ArrayBufferLike)
buf = ByteBuf.from(some_buffer);
// You can then write some data
buf.writeByteString("i'm saying hi, from byffer!");
// Then you can take back the data as an ArrayBuffer
let data: ArrayBuffer = buf.bytes();
// Or, read the data
let i = buf.readInt(); // Returns 1337
let b = buf.readByteUnsigned(); // Returns 255
let s = buf.readByteString(); // Returns "i'm saying hi, from byffer!"
let f = buf.readFloat(); // Returns -999999.3125
using MIT license, do whatever