Often I hear folks struggling with workflow management with what tool to use or what plugin to incorporate in process?
Here is a sample project with gulp tasks encoded for future references focusing on Workflow Management.
I've tried to document most information as I understand and I tend to keep updating it. Please feel free to point out issues or contribute as you like.
While writing this package, I realized that there are several ways of structuring package management. I've included few samples in a folder with explanations alongside.
[Check out the 'samples' folder for further details]
You have node and npm installed already.
To be decided. As of now dumping code.
There is no right way to do it, but what majority of workforce understands and avoids most of the manual process. WFM can be achieved in several ways depending on the consumer's choice. Here is a brief synopsis of different types:
Do all processing based the files listed in index html
Process all the files in package and give a final file name(s) to index.html
Sort notes: Think about local development ease Ease of packaging Ease of change management Ease of third party code import management Check if you could preen third party code
Directory structure?? Does it matter? Can WFM be independent of directory structure or even close to? What am I going to give you via this project?
Please feel free to leave feedback or contribute to the project.
Autoprefixer - https://css-tricks.com/autoprefixer/
JSHint - https://www.npmjs.com/package/gulp-jshint
JSHint config - http://jshint.com/docs/options/
Preen - https://www.npmjs.com/package/preen
SourceMaps - http://www.html5rocks.com/en/tutorials/developertools/sourcemaps/