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@colebemis colebemis released this 11 Jun 00:25

All packages

  • We've given Octicons a new look ✨ Some icons have new names and some icons haven't been redesigned yet. The following table documents those changes. If you're using an octicon in v9.x that doesn't have an equivelent in v10.0 yet, let us know by opening an issue.
v9.x v10.0 Notes
arrow-small-down arrow-down
arrow-small-left arrow-left
arrow-small-right arrow-right
arrow-small-up arrow-up
circuit-board cpu
cloud-download download
cloud-upload upload
dashboard meter
dependent package-dependents
file-pdf file
file-symlink-directory file-submodule
gist-secret lock
gist code-square
github-action play
heart-outline heart
internal-repo repo
jersey people
keyboard Request this icon
line-arrow-down arrow-down
line-arrow-left arrow-left
line-arrow-right arrow-right
line-arrow-up arrow-up
mail-read mail
no-newline no-entry
paintcan paintbrush
plus-small plus
primitive-dot-stroke dot
primitive-dot dot-fill
primitive-square square-fill
radio-tower broadcast
repo-force-push repo-push
repo-template-private Request this icon
request-changes diff
saved bookmark
text-size heading or typography
unsaved bookmark-slash
watch hourglass
workflow-all Request this icon
  • We designed a set of 24px icons—as well as 16px icons—to accommodate interfaces that need larger icons. All package implementations now choose which SVG to render based on the size passed in.

React (@primer/octicons-react)

  • Icon components (e.g. AlertIcon, ArrowRightIcon, etc.) now accept size, ariaLabel, verticalAlign, and className props and can be used on their own. No need to pass them to the Octicon component.

    <AlertIcon size={24} />
  • Icon components will now choose the best SVG icon to render based on the size passed in.

  • The Octicon component is deprecated. Use icon components on their own instead:

    - <Octicon icon={AlertIcon} />
    + <AlertIcon />


  • All icon component names now include Icon at the end (e.g. AlertAlertIcon).

  • In order to enable tree-shaking, we removed the iconsByName and getIconByName exports.

  • Octicon no longer accepts width or height props. Use the size prop instead. In cases where the width and height of an icon are not equal (e.g. logos), the height will be set to the value of the size prop and the width will be scaled proportionally.

  • We renamed the ariaLabel prop to aria-label to be consistent with React:

    - <AlertIcon ariaLabel="alert">
    + <AlertIcon aria-label="alert">
  • Setting verticalAlign="top" on the Octicon component or any icon component will now apply a vertical-align: top; style to the <svg>. Previously, we were translating "top" to "text-top." So setting verticalAlign="top" would apply a vertical-align: text-top; style to the <svg>. If you want a vertical alignment of "text-top," set the verticalAlign prop to "text-top".

  • Custom icon components passed to the Octicon component now need to render the entire <svg>, not just the <path>.

function CirclesIcon() {
  return (
-   <React.Fragment>
+   <svg viewBox="0 0 30 10" width="30" height="10">
      <circle r={5} cx={5} cy={5}/>
      <circle r={5} cx={15} cy={5}/>
      <circle r={5} cx={25} cy={5}/>
-   </React.Fragment>
+   </svg>

- CirclesIcon.size = [30, 10]

JavaScript (@primer/octicons)


  • The structure of each icon object has been updated to allow support multiple SVGs per icon:


// {
//     symbol: 'alert',
//     keywords: ['warning', 'triangle', 'exclamation', 'point'],
//     toSVG: [Function],
//     width: 16,
//     height: 16,
//     path: '<path d="M8.865 1.52c-.18-.31-.51-.5-.87-.5s-.69.19-.87.5L.275 13.5c-.18.31-.18.69 0 1 . 0 .69-.19.86-.5.17-.31.18-.69.01-1L8.865 1.52zM8.995 13h-2v-2h2v2zm0-3h-2V6h2v4z"/>',
//     options: {
//         version: '1.1',
//         width: '16',
//         height: '16',
//         viewBox: '0 0 16 16',
//         class: 'octicon octicon-alert',
//         'aria-hidden': 'true'
//     },
// }


// {
//     symbol: 'alert',
//     keywords: ['warning', 'triangle', 'exclamation', 'point'],
//     toSVG: [Function]
//     heights: {
//         16: {
//             width: 16,
//             path: '<path d="M8.865 1.52c-.18-.31-.51-.5-.87-.5s-.69.19-.87.5L.275 13.5c-.18.31-.18.69 0 1 . 0 .69-.19.86-.5.17-.31.18-.69.01-1L8.865 1.52zM8.995 13h-2v-2h2v2zm0-3h-2V6h2v4z"/>',
//             options: {
//                 version: '1.1',
//                 width: '16',
//                 height: '16',
//                 viewBox: '0 0 16 16',
//                 class: 'octicon octicon-alert',
//                 'aria-hidden': 'true'
//             },
//         },
//         24: ...
//     }
// }