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Aurinstall is an incredibly simple AUR helper written in C.
It only supports installing AUR packages, so use pacman for regular package

This program is designed to have very few dependencies - only libcurl (for API
requests). JSON parsing is done with my own json library:

Only gnupg and git are required for importing PGP keys and for cloning packages.

Due to the way makepkg works, if you do not have sudo installed, you must either
create a symlink to a similar program (doas) or type in your password multiple
times. This can get annoying, so I advise creating a symlink.

To install the program, run `make install` as root.

You need gnupg and git for installing packages, and gcc and libcurl for 
compiling aurinstall.

To remove the program, run `make uninstall` as root.

To install packages:

        aurinstall [package1] [package2] [...]

To search:
        aurinstall --search [package1] [...]

        You can narrow your search with multiple searchterms. For example,
                aurinstall --search chromium ungoogled
        will first search for chromium, and then filter results for with
        "ungoogled" in the name.

Removing packages:
        aurinstall --remove [package1] [package2] [...]

        aurinstall --update

Cleaning cache:
        aurinstall --clean

        The cache is located at ~/.cache/aurinstall.