Online Judge is an online system used to test correctness and efficiency of programs written in various programming languages. They are used on programming competitions held online as well as on site. Most importantly they are used to practicing for programming contests. These systems are used by lots of people, particularly students, to learn issues related to programming languages, algorithms, data-structures and to improve programming skills through training and competing in several programming contests. Furthermore, they have been used by recruiters of well known companies for job applications.
- What is the need? The need of this project is to evaluate any given input C program. Competitive programming is a mind sport usually held over the internet or a local network, involving participants trying to program according to provided specifications. This project deals with the evaluation of time complexity and space complexity of a Program.
- Addressing the need: Programmers generally use IDE’s (Integrated Development Environment) to test their programming skills. But an IDE requires a platform to work on where an online evaluator doesn’t require any platform. It works on any device if there is availability of internet.
- Prospective Users: Developers : in order to be sure they are developing the right program that fulfills their requirements like time and space complexity. Contestants, Users : to get familiar with the idea of the programming. Judges : to get familiar with procedures involved in assigning contest problems and grading them according to their evaluation pattern. Administrators : in order to know exactly what they have to expect from the system, right inputs and outputs and response in error situations.
- Issues/Challenges to be overcome while developing the System: The main challenge is checking the errors that go out of bounds like infinite loop cases. We need to restrict the input size so that all the memory is not used up. We need to link an IDE as everything is done online