Note: If you are using a MuSHR image, you can skip steps 1 & 5
Install Julia, there are 2 ways to do it:
bash -ci "$(curl -fsSL"
- To install, follow the directions here. There's nothing to
sudo apt-get
, just a binary that you download and add to yourPATH
environment variable.
Clone this repo into your ROS workspace:
cd ~/catkin_ws/src && git clone
The library used to interoperate with Python (PyCall) needs to be linked to the same Python binary that you use with ROS. By default this is the result of executing
which python
on the command line. This can be an issue if you perform the next step with an Anaconda environment activated. To avoid this run:
export PYTHON=$(which python) > ~/.bashrc
and re-source your workspace. ~/.bashrc
If you ever want to switch python versions, just change the PYTHON variable & re-runjulia -e 'using Pkg;"PyCall")
. -
From the root directory of the repo run
cd ./deps && ./
. The script will prompt you forsudo
permissions, but do not run the script itself withsudo
. You may see an error about the build for Arpack failing; don't worry, that's what the patch is for :). This builds all necessary dependencies listed in Project.toml & Manifest.toml. -
If not installed already, install the
, andackermann_msgs
packages. The MuSHR images all have these installed. -
cd ~/catkin_ws/ && catkin make
(although like Python, there is nothing to build, this step just sets up your environment variables) and runsource ~/catkin_ws/devel/setup.bash
roslaunch mushr_pf ParticleFilter.launch
The node will compile and wait until an map is provided and a initial position is specified.
One thing that you may be curious about is that the startup time is
slow relative to Python. This is because Julia is a just-in-time or
JIT compiled language. Compilation is not performed until a piece
of code (i.e. a function) is needed. Note that if you want to hack at
this codebase there are ways to get around this
(i.e. Revise.jl). Additionally,
you can change the optimization level from -O3
to -O0
under the
args section of ParticleFilter.launch
, although
this will negatively affect runtime performance.
All settings are located in the scripts/settings.jl
file as key-value
pairs. You can change the settings here, or via the ROS parameter server.
To see which parameters are configurable via the parameter server,
you can use rosparam list
or rosparam dump
after launching
the node. Additionally, the node will
log to /rosout
and the terminal all the settings which are configurable
via the parameter server, whether a parameter was found on the server,
and what its value is as follows:
[INFO] [1549348704.911341]: Param "steering2servo_gain" not set. Using default value: "-1.2135"
Future versions will have these parameters documented in a ROS config file.
NOTE: The one exception is multi-threading which is not configurable at runtime.
Instead, set the environment variable JULIA_NUM_THREADS
to the integer
number of threads you would like to use. The default is either the number of
physical CPU cores on your machine, or one (I've seen both :)).
To aid in development, please kindly file a git issue
if you run across
any problems or want something added. Happy localizing!
Parameters can be changed in settings.yaml
Topic | Type | Description |
/pf/inferred_pose |
geometry_msgs/PoseStamped | Particle filter pose estimate |
/pf/viz/particles |
geometry_msgs/PoseArray | Partilcle array. Good for debugging |
/pf/viz/laserpose |
geometry_msgs/PoseArray | Pose fo the laser |
/odom |
nav_msgs/Odometry | Odom of car estimate from particle filter |
Topic | Type | Description |
/scan |
sensor_msgs/LaserScan | Current laserscan |
/vesc/sensors/servo_position_command |
std_msgs/Float64 | Current steering angle |
/vesc/sensors/core |
vesc_msgs/VescStateStamped | Current speed |