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Welcome to Rheoinformatic

Welcome to the Rheoinformatic research group! 🎉

Our research focuses on the physics and rheology of complex fluids (PROCF)

This repo provides information for new members of the group to help them get started. If you are not a member, you can still browse our public repos on the main page.

As a Northeastern member you should also be given access to our SharePoint site for other file sharing within the group. You can request access from a senior member if you do not already have it.

Feel free to contact us with any questions!

The Rheoinformatic github organization is our group's hub for a variety of repositories, including:

  • publically published AI/ML projects, customized HOOMD-blue software, and other useful scripts
  • (private) onboarding and training scripts for new students and postdocs
  • (private) legacy and back-up code from past projects
  • (private) current code that is shared among teams and individual group members for different projects
  • (private) code and drafts related to specific in-progress research papers or presentations

Getting started

All members of the group can make and access repositories in this organization, in addition to using their own personal github. Repositories in the procf "organization" are also grouped into our 3 teams:

See the Github Guide for help on creating an account, getting access to the github organization, joining your team(s), and setting up command-line git.

Remember it's important to pull before you push when working on shared repositories (in case someone has done work since the last time you pulled) to avoid data loss and coding conflicts.

Adding repositories

Once you have access, you can make a new repository by going to the Rheoinformatic main page and clicking the green "New" button.

We recommend selecting a template (such as the general-template) to make sure you get all the administrative files you need in your repository. Individuals and teams may also set up their own templates for you to choose from.
More details about the general-template (member access only)

Remember Github limits the size of files you can upload, so you should only put code, documentation, and small (recommended <50MB and max 2GB) data files on github. All larger data, visualization, and analysis files should be stored on the /work partition on Discovery, and publically shared large datasets (such as Machine Learning datasets) can be moved to the /datasets storage upon request (contact rc-help for details).

Managing Teams

The Github Teams function lets you group repositories together by topic (kind of like a subfolder). They also have a number of built-in project managememt tools you can optionally use to collaboratively develop code. Anyone can view any Team, but you will only get notifications about Teams you have joined. Teams can also have sub-teams.

Go to the Rheoinformatic Teams page to view and add Teams.

Adding/removing repositories in a Team

After you have created a repository, you can add it to a Team to have it grouped there:

  • Go to the Team page for the Team you want to add the repository to
  • Select the "Repositories" tab at the top of the page
  • Click the green "Add Repository" button
  • Search for the name of the repository you created and then click "Add repository to team"

To remove a repository from a Team:

  • select the checkbox next to the repository name
  • Click on the grey drop-down menu and select "Remove from team"
    (This does not remove the repository from Github or the procf organization)


Group Member Welcome and How-to






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