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Development Setup

ddveloper edited this page Jul 9, 2019 · 1 revision

Following packages will be needed when you set up your RStudio

  1. Install Full version ProTex package (on Windows) or Full version MacTex (on Mac OS)
  2. Install R Language
  3. Install RStudio
  4. Install Git (if you're using version control and Github)
  5. Create project from Version Control & Github link
  6. Install the required packages (as listed) - "rmarkdown", "bookdown", "tufte", "tint", "gridExtra", "ROI", "ROI.plugin.glpk", "ompr", "ompr.roi", "ggplot2", "kableExtra", "dplyr", "Benchmarking", "ggrepel", "tictoc", "ROI.plugin.symphony", "ROI.plugin.lpsolve", "dlstats", "tidyr", “formatR”