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Copa Docker Desktop Extension

starting page for the extension

What is this extension for?

copa is a CLI tool written in Go and based on buildkit that can be used to directly patch container images given the vulnerability scanning results from popular tools like Trivy.

This extension allows the user to leverage the abilities of the CLI tool without having to install a scanner or the CLI tool itself. The only requirement to use this extension is Docker Desktop!

How do install it?

After installing Docker Desktop, the extension be installed using this link!

How does it work?

This extension is a web application displayed in a tab of the dashboard in Docker Desktop. It is written in JavaScript using the React JavaScript library and Material UI React component library. It creates three containers to scan an image, send vulnerability information to the frontend, and patch an image. It uses the copa-extension-volume to share the scan result between the three containers.


Image Container Description
aquasec/trivy trivy-copa-extension-container Runs a scan of the selected image and outputs the json file result scan.json to the volume copa-extension-volume
busybox busybox-copa-extension-container Runs the cat command to dump the json output file scan.json to stdout
copa-extension copa-extension-container Runs a copa patch on the selected image using the vulnerability results from scan.json


Component Description
main.tsx Main entry point of the frontend, meant to set up React
app.tsx Contains the other main components and the left side of the UI, which includes the Copa logo and learn more link. Also includes the frontend code for the loading screen, success screen, and failure screen
copainput.tsx Has TextFields, Autocompletes, and Buttons to gather input. Displayed on the right side when first loading the page.
commandline.tsx Stylized display to look like the command line for the stdout and stderr from the container running Copacetic
vulnerabilitydisplay.tsx Displays the vulnerability results from a trivy scan, similar to the docker scout vulnerability display


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