Launch a Eru core and agent, run lambda script on it.
- Ubuntu>=1604
- ansible>=2.9.10, jmespath>=0.10.0
- sshpass if ansible runs on macOS
prepare your inventory and
ansible-playbook -i inventory.yml cluster.yml
Let's say we want to run 3 redis server on 3 nodes.
Step 1: compose yaml spec for deploy
cat > /tmp/spec.yaml <<!
appname: redis
cmd: '--appendonly yes'
- 6379
Step 2: use eru-cli to deploy
eru-cli container deploy --pod eru --entry singular --image redis --network host --count 1 --deploy-method fill --nodes-limit 3 --memory 10M /tmp/spec.yaml
indicates node group on which you want to deploy;--entry
indicates entrypoint written in spec to deploy;--image
indicates docker image to pull and run with;--count 1 --deploy-method fill --node-limit 3
indicates to carry deployment on 3 nodes;--memory
indicates memory limit for each container;
more info see