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Taranis Hardware Debugging

Dvogonen edited this page Jan 2, 2014 · 6 revisions

The Hardware you'll need

  • This board: STM32F4 DISCOVERY USB STM32F407VGT6 STM32 ARM Cortex-M4 Development Board (you will find it on eBay)
  • These 1.25 plugs: Mini. Micro 1.25 T-1 4-Pin JST Connector w/.Wire x 10 sets (you will also find them on ebay)
  • One 100 Ohms SMD resistor
  • One JWT 4 pins connector (I got them from HobbyKing)
  • The mini USB cable (the one you use to flash your radio everyday)

The Software you'll need

  • STM32 ST-LINK utility with the associated driver (here)
  • OpenOCD 0.7.0 (André prepared a beautiful zip for us here)
  • The GCC ARM toolchain (here)


  • Solder the 100 Ohm resistor on the empty R2 slot of the discovery board (next to the SWD connector)
  • Solder the mini JST plug on the Taranis board here:
  • Prepare your cable according to this schema:
    • JTMS -> SWDIO
    • JTCK -> SWCLK
    • GND -> GND
    • VCC -> VDD


  • Install the STM32 ST-LINK utility, it will automatically install the driver for the board
  • Plug the board through the mini-usb cable. The board will be detected and the driver correctly setup
  • Start the STM32 ST-LINK utility, go in the ST-LINK menu and choose Firmware Update. Check that the board is correctly detected and start the update.

Start the debugging

  • Connect everything
  • Start a cmd window and launch OpenOCD with this script:
  • Start another cmd window, go inside the OpenTX src directory and launch gdb this way:

"C:\Program Files (x86)\GNU Tools ARM Embedded\4.7 2013q3\bin\arm-none-eabi-gdb.exe" opentx.elf

  • Now inside gdb:
target remote :3333  
monitor reset  
break perMain  

The program should stop in perMain

set unexpectedShutdown = 1  

You should now see the asterisk in the notification bar

set unexpectedShutdown = 0  

The asterisk should be removed now!
