- ComicAR is an application that helps comic and manga readers to organize their collections.
The site offers registration and login so that users can manage their comics
You can view information for a specific edition
In addition to being able to review it
Also allowing you to add volumes to your wish list, and many more functions!
- Clone project
git clone https://github.com/matirinfante/comic-ar.git
- Install dependencies from composer.json and package.json (inside the project directory)
composer install
npm install
npm run dev
- Create a new database and config your .env file (line 11 for reference)
- If the .env file does not exist:
cp .env.example .env
- Run migrations to set your db tables structure and seed it with pre-built factories
php artisan migrate --seed
- Serve it
php artisan serve
- Default user
email: a@a.com
pass: admin123
- If you have any 500 Server error, try CTRL+C and then
php artisan cache:clear
composer dump-autoload
php artisan key:generate
- Matías Infante @matirinfante
- Pablo Romero @prom97
- Matías Peralta @matiasperaltamacri