Method call logging based on dexposed.
Print method calls, arguments, return values, and the execute time by simply add @XLog
to a method.
public String sayHello(String name) {
return "Hello, " + name;
D/MainActivity: ⇢ sayHello(name="promeg")
D/MainActivity: ⇠ sayHello[0ms] = "Hello, promeg"
Log all declared methods and constructors of a class.
This includes public, protected, default (package) access, and private methods or constructors, but excludes inherited ones.
public class BaseCalculator {
public int calculate(int i, int j){
return i+j;
public class SampleCalculator extends BaseCalculator {
new SampleCalculator().calculate(1, 2);
D/SampleCalculator: ⇢ com.promegu.xloggerexample.SampleCalculator()
D/BaseCalculator: ⇢ com.promegu.xloggerexample.BaseCalculator()
D/BaseCalculator: ⇠ com.promegu.xloggerexample.BaseCalculator [0ms]
D/SampleCalculator: ⇠ com.promegu.xloggerexample.SampleCalculator [0ms]
D/BaseCalculator: ⇢ calculate(int=1, int=2)
D/BaseCalculator: ⇠ calculate [0ms] = 3
#####XLog a method that you cannot access to the source code
List<XLogMethod> xLogMethods;
xLogMethods.add(new XLogMethod(TextView.class, "setText"));
textView.setText("Hello, promeG!");
D/TextView﹕ ⇢ setText(CharSequence="Hello, promeG!")
D/TextView﹕ ⇢ setText(CharSequence="Hello, promeG!", BufferType=NORMAL)
D/TextView﹕ ⇢ setText(CharSequence="Hello, promeG!", BufferType=NORMAL, boolean=true, int=0)
D/TextView﹕ ⇠ setText [0ms]
D/TextView﹕ ⇠ setText [0ms]
D/TextView﹕ ⇠ setText [0ms]
#####Ignore a method's log if its running time less than a time threshold
XLog will do the logging only in debug builds. In release builds, XLog will do noting and the annotation itself will not present.
buildTypes {
debug {
minifyEnabled false // should disable proguard in debug builds
dependencies {
debugCompile 'com.github.promeg:xlog-compiler:2.1.1' // ~6kB
debugCompile 'com.github.promeg:xlog-android:2.1.1' // ~150kB
releaseCompile 'com.github.promeg:xlog-android-idle:2.1.1' // ~5kB
public class MyApplication extends Application {
public void onCreate() {
.logMethods(List<XLogMethod> xLogMethod) //optional
.timeThreshold(long timeInMillis) // optional
Why not Hugo?
Hugo perform bytecode weaving to do the logging, so it cannot work with other bytecode-weaving-based libraries such as retrolambda, loglifecycle.
Moreover, Hugo cannot work on Android Library Module.
XLog solves above problems by using dexposed.
Hugo + Retrolambda - is it possible to use both?
Lambdas and Method Reference to work with @DebugLog