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A react component for listing changed attributes logs of java-object,try the component demo




The component collocates with the object-logger tool ObjectLogger,which used for recording changed object attributes logs.

How to use

npm install react-object-logger
2、import component and style
import ObjectLogger from 'react-object-logger';
import 'react-object-logger/lib/css/styles.css';
<ObjectLogger logList={logList} lang="en" title="LogHistory" attachmentStyle="origin" fileUrl="http://localhost:9527/file" />
this.logList which fields and what a field means please forward to ObjectLogger: also, you can find the demo sources in this project:(source code path)

Component props

  • title:log listing title, the default value is empty string '', you can set any string value yourself;
  • logList;array type, log contents list;
  • lang:log listing language, the default value is English('en'), you also set Chinese('zh');
  • fileUrl:if the logs contain file attachments, you could set fileUrl which stored these attachments for showing or downloading; the default value is empty string;
  • attachmentStyle: attachments style, the default value is 'origin' which use build-in images for presenting; the other option is 'icon', icon and attachment name are presenting;


logList fields demo

        "id": 4,
        "appName": "ObjectLoggerDemo",
        "objectName": "CleanRoomTask",
        "objectId": 5,
        "operator": "Tom",
        "operationName": "add",
        "operationAlias": "Add New Task",
        "extraWords": "Create a cleanRoomTask",
        "comment": "taskName is :Demo Task",
        "operationTime": "2019-07-04T07:52:02.000+0000",
        "attributeModelList": []
        "id": 5,
        "appName": "ObjectLoggerDemo",
        "objectName": "CleanRoomTask",
        "objectId": 5,
        "operator": "Tom",
        "operationName": "add",
        "operationAlias": "Add New Task",
        "extraWords": "Create a cleanRoomTask",
        "comment": "taskName is :Demo Task",
        "operationTime": "2019-07-04T07:52:02.000+0000",
        "attributeModelList": [
                "attributeType": "RICHTEXT",
                "attributeName": "description",
                "attributeAlias": "Description",
                "oldValue": "<p>What is poetry? Who knows<br>Not a rose, but the scent of the rose.<br>Not the sky, but the light of the sky.</p><p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Hi~</span></p><p>Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly.<br>Not the sea, but the sound of sea .</p><p><br></p><p><br>Not myself, but what makes us .<br>See you,hear and feel something that prose<br>Cannot: and what it is who knows.</p><h2>yes!</h2><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>that is the end</p>",
                "newValue": "<p>What is poetry? Who knows<br>Not a rose, but the scent of the rose.<br><p>add some words</p>Not the sky, but the light of the sky.</p><p><span style=\"font-weight: bold;\">Hi~ this is demo</span></p><p>Not the fly, but the gleam of the fly.<br>Not the sea, but the sound of sea .</p><p><br></p><p><br>Not myself, but what makes me .<br>See ,hear and feel something that prose<br>Cannot: and what it is who knows.</p><h2>yes!</h2>",
                "diffValue": "{\"version\":\"1.0.0\",\"content\":[{\"lineNumber\":1,\"partList\":[{\"partType\":\"CHANGE_OLD\",\"partContent\":\"What is poetry? Who knowsNot a rose, but the scent of the rose.Not the sky, but the light of the sky.\"},{\"partType\":\"CHANGE_NEW\",\"partContent\":\"What is poetry? Who knowsNot a rose, but the scent of the rose.\"},{\"partType\":\"CHANGE_NEW\",\"partContent\":\"add some words\"},{\"partType\":\"CHANGE_NEW\",\"partContent\":\"Not the sky, but the light of the sky.\"}]},{\"lineNumber\":3,\"partList\":[{\"partType\":\"CHANGE_OLD\",\"partContent\":\"Not myself, but what makes us .See you,hear and feel something that proseCannot: and what it is who knows.\"},{\"partType\":\"CHANGE_NEW\",\"partContent\":\"Not myself, but what makes me .See ,hear and feel something that proseCannot: and what it is who knows.\"}]},{\"lineNumber\":5,\"partList\":[{\"partType\":\"DEL\",\"partContent\":\"that is the end\"}]}]}",
                "id": 103,
                "operationId": 50
        "id": 9,
        "appName": "ObjectLoggerDemo",
        "objectName": "CleanRoomTask",
        "objectId": 5,
        "operator": "Tom",
        "operationName": "update",
        "operationAlias": "Update a Task",
        "extraWords": null,
        "comment": null,
        "operationTime": "2019-07-04T08:15:50.000+0000",
        "attributeModelList": [
                "attributeType": "NORMAL",
                "attributeName": "roomNumber",
                "attributeAlias": "roomNumber",
                "oldValue": "",
                "newValue": "702",
                "diffValue": null,
                "id": 11,
                "operationId": 9
                "attributeType": "NORMAL",
                "attributeName": "address",
                "attributeAlias": "address",
                "oldValue": "",
                "newValue": "Sunny Street",
                "diffValue": null,
                "id": 12,
                "operationId": 9
                "attributeType": "NORMAL",
                "attributeName": "status",
                "attributeAlias": "Status",
                "oldValue": "TODO",
                "newValue": "DOING",
                "diffValue": null,
                "id": 13,
                "operationId": 9
                "attributeType": "TEXT",
                "attributeName": "description",
                "attributeAlias": "Description",
                "oldValue": "Do something...",
                "newValue": "The main job is to clean the floor.",
                "diffValue": "Line 1<br/>&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; -: <del> Do something... </del> <br/>&nbsp;&nbsp; +: <u> The main job is to clean the floor. </u> <br/>",
                "id": 14,
                "operationId": 9
        "id": 11,
        "appName": "ObjectLoggerDemo",
        "objectName": "CleanRoomTask",
        "objectId": 5,
        "operator": "Jone",
        "operationName": "start",
        "operationAlias": "Start a Task",
        "extraWords": "Begin to clean room...",
        "comment": "Come on and start cleaning up.",
        "operationTime": "2019-07-04T08:16:02.000+0000",
        "attributeModelList": [
                "attributeType": "NORMAL",
                "attributeName": "status",
                "attributeAlias": "Status",
                "oldValue": "TODO",
                "newValue": "DOING",
                "diffValue": null,
                "id": 15,
                "operationId": 11
                "id": 1135,
                "actionId": 3761,
                "attributeType": "ATTACHMENT",
                "attribute": "attachment",
                "attributeName": "attachment",
                "oldValue": null,
                "newValue": null,
                "diffValue": {
                "id": 1138,
                "actionId": 3766,
                "attributeType": "ATTACHMENT",
                "attribute": "attachment",
                "attributeName": "attachment",
                "oldValue": null,
                "newValue": null,
                "diffValue": {del:[],add:[{belongTo:"ee",belongToStage:"ee",contentType:"image/png",fileId:"ee.DAT",fileName:"u753.png",fileSize:224098,fileType:"png",id:5500,isConfirmed:0,isDeleted:0,outerId:43170,uploadTime:1560330531000}]}
                "id": 1042,
                "actionId": 3672,
                "attributeType": "ATTACHMENT",
                "attribute": "attachment",
                "attributeName": "attachment",
                "oldValue": null,
                "newValue": null,
                "diffValue": {del:[],add:[{belongTo:"ee",belongToStage:"ee",contentType:"application/",fileId:"ee.DAT",fileName:"daxiong.ppt",fileSize:780831,fileType:"ppt",id:5471,isConfirmed:0,isDeleted:0,outerId:43170,uploadTime:1559532908000}]}
                "id": 1207,
                "actionId": 3965,
                "attributeType": "ATTACHMENT",
                "attribute": "attachment",
                "attributeName": "attachment",
                "oldValue": null,
                "newValue": null,
                "diffValue": {del:[{belongTo:"ee",belongToStage:"ee",contentType:"text/plain",fileId:"ee.DAT",fileName:"rich.text",fileSize:780831,fileType:"txt",id:5471,isConfirmed:1,isDeleted:0,outerId:43170,uploadTime:1559532910000}],add:[]}


object logger react







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