Some hooks for pre-commit.
See also:
Add this to your .pre-commit-config.yaml
- repo:
rev: v0.0.1 # Use the ref you want to point at
- id: manage-airflow-dag-task-id
Enforce the specification of version in dag filename and ensure the consistency between the dag file name, the dag_id and the task_id(s).
Add clubhouse tocket to the commit message if available from branch and is not already specified.
Check the pattern of general purpose commit message
Check the pattern of prose-data-blog related commit message
Check that the Rmd in the prose-data-blog follow the pattern yyyy-mm-dd-ch0000-title.Rmd
Check that all the jupyter notebooks are executed in a row
If you'd like to use these hooks, they're also available as a standalone package.
Simply pip install prose-pre-commit-hooks