This is a react project and it is part of Udacity Frontend Nanodegree course. This is a single-page app that allows user to store your books and track what you're reading, want to read and books you have completed.
Clone the repository, change directories, and use NPM to install the dependencies.
$ git clone
$ cd reactnd-project-myreads
$ npm install
install dependencies with
npm install
start with
npm start
The project can be viewed in the browser at
Note: In case a server does'nt starts or starts but webpage is blank try installing react-router-dom version 5.2.0
npm install react-router-dom@5.2.0
'Android', 'Art', 'Artificial Intelligence', 'Astronomy', 'Austen', 'Baseball', 'Basketball', 'Bhagat', 'Biography', 'Brief', 'Business', 'Camus', 'Cervantes', 'Christie', 'Classics', 'Comics', 'Cook', 'Cricket', 'Cycling', 'Desai', 'Design', 'Development', 'Digital Marketing', 'Drama', 'Drawing', 'Dumas', 'Education', 'Everything', 'Fantasy', 'Film', 'Finance', 'First', 'Fitness', 'Football', 'Future', 'Games', 'Gandhi', 'Homer', 'Horror', 'Hugo', 'Ibsen', 'Journey', 'Kafka', 'King', 'Lahiri', 'Larsson', 'Learn', 'Literary Fiction', 'Make', 'Manage', 'Marquez', 'Money', 'Mystery', 'Negotiate', 'Painting', 'Philosophy', 'Photography', 'Poetry', 'Production', 'Programming', 'React', 'Redux', 'River', 'Robotics', 'Rowling', 'Satire', 'Science Fiction', 'Shakespeare', 'Singh', 'Swimming', 'Tale', 'Thrun', 'Time', 'Tolstoy', 'Travel', 'Ultimate', 'Virtual Reality', 'Web Development', 'iOS'