leveldb for Android.
Very simple bindings for using Leveldb from android.
There is an excellent outdated project leveldbjni
out there for using leveldb from Java but seems to be a bit too much.
It has a bunch of dependencies, including a code generator,
which might or might not work on Android. At least it is not trivial to get started.
The only external dependencies are Android SDK and NDK.
- Clone the project with git. (Including the leveldb git-submodule, change it to a different fork if you want)
- Open it with Android Studio. (Easiest way, but building could also be done with just gradle)
- Build the project with gradle (if it was not already started automatically)
- Make the project (Build > Make project)
- Library should be ready now!
After building, include the library module in your own project like this:
include ':android-leveldb'
project(':android-leveldb').projectDir = new File(rootProject.projectDir, '../android-leveldb/library')
This assumes that you cloned the android-leveldb git repository in the parent-folder of your-project.
And add the module as dependency in your-project/app/build.gradle
//include .so files in the build (native libraries)
compile fileTree(include: ['*.jar', '*.so'], dir: 'libs')
//include the android-leveldb library (see settings.gradle)
compile project(':android-leveldb')
Please see the LICENSE file.
Contributions are always welcome.
See CONTRIBUTORS.md for a list of contributors, forks, etc.
Contributor guidelines are not set up yet.