API 2 PRE-Requisites = NONE
From Project Root DIR -Run all tests pytest API/TESTS
-Run one test file pytest tests/{filename}
-run one test function from file pytest tests/{filename} -k '{methodname}'
-run one parameter from the test function pytest tests/{filename} -k '{methodname}' --ss {index position of the test from the parameter list}
MOBILE PRE-Requisites = Appium, XCODE, Android Development Studio
discover appPackage and appActivity (MAC) adb shell dumpsys window | grep -E 'mCurrentFocus'
(PC) adb shell dumpsys window | find "mCurrentFocus"
Android Emulator tests sequence: Start Appium server Use Andriod Studio AVD to launch a emulator with no APK set to the device type you want to test pytest [PATH_TO_TESTFILE] -k ['METHOD_IN_FILE'] --app [emu, droid, imu, iphone]
WEB PRE-Requisites = Browser Drivers
pytest -n={MAX IS 3} {PATH TO FILE} -k '{FUNCTION NAME}' --browser {BROWSER FROM CONFTEST.py SETUP()} --html={PATH TO FILE} --self-contained-html
.ENV file not included LOGS generated automatically