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rkapka committed Feb 15, 2024
1 parent 839f622 commit d2f484a
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Showing 4 changed files with 0 additions and 663 deletions.
8 changes: 0 additions & 8 deletions beacon-chain/rpc/prysm/v1alpha1/beacon/BUILD.bazel
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -79,12 +79,7 @@ go_test(
Expand All @@ -111,14 +106,11 @@ go_test(
Expand Down
243 changes: 0 additions & 243 deletions beacon-chain/rpc/prysm/v1alpha1/beacon/attestations_test.go
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -8,13 +8,9 @@ import (

chainMock ""
dbTest ""
doublylinkedtree ""
Expand All @@ -29,14 +25,11 @@ import (
ethpb ""
attaggregation ""

func TestServer_ListAttestations_NoResults(t *testing.T) {
Expand Down Expand Up @@ -824,239 +817,3 @@ func TestServer_AttestationPool_Pagination_CustomPageSize(t *testing.T) {
assert.Equal(t, tt.res.NextPageToken, res.NextPageToken, "Unexpected next page token")

func TestServer_StreamIndexedAttestations_ContextCanceled(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()
ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
chainService := &chainMock.ChainService{}
server := &Server{
Ctx: ctx,
AttestationNotifier: chainService.OperationNotifier(),
GenesisTimeFetcher: &chainMock.ChainService{
Genesis: time.Now(),

exitRoutine := make(chan bool)
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
mockStream := mock.NewMockBeaconChain_StreamIndexedAttestationsServer(ctrl)
go func(tt *testing.T) {
err := server.StreamIndexedAttestations(&emptypb.Empty{}, mockStream)
assert.ErrorContains(t, "Context canceled", err)
exitRoutine <- true

func TestServer_StreamIndexedAttestations_OK(t *testing.T) {
db := dbTest.SetupDB(t)
exitRoutine := make(chan bool)
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
ctx := context.Background()

numValidators := 64
headState, privKeys := util.DeterministicGenesisState(t, uint64(numValidators))
b := util.NewBeaconBlock()
util.SaveBlock(t, ctx, db, b)
gRoot, err := b.Block.HashTreeRoot()
require.NoError(t, err)
require.NoError(t, db.SaveGenesisBlockRoot(ctx, gRoot))
require.NoError(t, db.SaveState(ctx, headState, gRoot))

activeIndices, err := helpers.ActiveValidatorIndices(ctx, headState, 0)
require.NoError(t, err)
epoch := primitives.Epoch(0)
attesterSeed, err := helpers.Seed(headState, epoch, params.BeaconConfig().DomainBeaconAttester)
require.NoError(t, err)
committees, err := computeCommittees(context.Background(), params.BeaconConfig().SlotsPerEpoch.Mul(uint64(epoch)), activeIndices, attesterSeed)
require.NoError(t, err)

count := params.BeaconConfig().SlotsPerEpoch
// We generate attestations for each validator per slot per epoch.
atts := make(map[[32]byte][]*ethpb.Attestation)
for i := primitives.Slot(0); i < count; i++ {
comms := committees[i].Committees
for j := 0; j < numValidators; j++ {
var indexInCommittee uint64
var committeeIndex primitives.CommitteeIndex
var committeeLength int
var found bool
for comIndex, item := range comms {
for n, idx := range item.ValidatorIndices {
if primitives.ValidatorIndex(j) == idx {
indexInCommittee = uint64(n)
committeeIndex = primitives.CommitteeIndex(comIndex)
committeeLength = len(item.ValidatorIndices)
found = true
if !found {
attExample := &ethpb.Attestation{
Data: &ethpb.AttestationData{
BeaconBlockRoot: bytesutil.PadTo([]byte("root"), 32),
Slot: i,
Source: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
Epoch: 0,
Root: gRoot[:],
Target: &ethpb.Checkpoint{
Epoch: 0,
Root: gRoot[:],
domain, err := signing.Domain(headState.Fork(), 0, params.BeaconConfig().DomainBeaconAttester, headState.GenesisValidatorsRoot())
require.NoError(t, err)
encoded, err := signing.ComputeSigningRoot(attExample.Data, domain)
require.NoError(t, err)
sig := privKeys[j].Sign(encoded[:])
attExample.Signature = sig.Marshal()
attExample.Data.CommitteeIndex = committeeIndex
aggregationBitfield := bitfield.NewBitlist(uint64(committeeLength))
aggregationBitfield.SetBitAt(indexInCommittee, true)
attExample.AggregationBits = aggregationBitfield
atts[encoded] = append(atts[encoded], attExample)

chainService := &chainMock.ChainService{}
server := &Server{
BeaconDB: db,
Ctx: context.Background(),
HeadFetcher: &chainMock.ChainService{
State: headState,
GenesisTimeFetcher: &chainMock.ChainService{
Genesis: time.Now(),
AttestationNotifier: chainService.OperationNotifier(),
CollectedAttestationsBuffer: make(chan []*ethpb.Attestation, 1),
StateGen: stategen.New(db, doublylinkedtree.New()),

for dataRoot, sameDataAtts := range atts {
aggAtts, err := attaggregation.Aggregate(sameDataAtts)
require.NoError(t, err)
atts[dataRoot] = aggAtts

// Next up we convert the test attestations to indexed form.
attsByTarget := make(map[[32]byte][]*ethpb.Attestation)
for _, dataRootAtts := range atts {
targetRoot := bytesutil.ToBytes32(dataRootAtts[0].Data.Target.Root)
attsByTarget[targetRoot] = append(attsByTarget[targetRoot], dataRootAtts...)

allAtts := make([]*ethpb.Attestation, 0)
indexedAtts := make(map[[32]byte][]*ethpb.IndexedAttestation)
for dataRoot, aggAtts := range attsByTarget {
allAtts = append(allAtts, aggAtts...)
for _, att := range aggAtts {
committee := committees[att.Data.Slot].Committees[att.Data.CommitteeIndex]
idxAtt, err := attestation.ConvertToIndexed(ctx, att, committee.ValidatorIndices)
require.NoError(t, err)
indexedAtts[dataRoot] = append(indexedAtts[dataRoot], idxAtt)

attsSent := 0
mockStream := mock.NewMockBeaconChain_StreamIndexedAttestationsServer(ctrl)
for _, atts := range indexedAtts {
for _, att := range atts {
if attsSent == len(allAtts)-1 {
mockStream.EXPECT().Send(att).Do(func(arg0 interface{}) {
exitRoutine <- true
} else {

go func(tt *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(tt, server.StreamIndexedAttestations(&emptypb.Empty{}, mockStream), "Could not call RPC method")

server.CollectedAttestationsBuffer <- allAtts

func TestServer_StreamAttestations_ContextCanceled(t *testing.T) {
ctx := context.Background()

ctx, cancel := context.WithCancel(ctx)
chainService := &chainMock.ChainService{}
server := &Server{
Ctx: ctx,
AttestationNotifier: chainService.OperationNotifier(),

exitRoutine := make(chan bool)
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
mockStream := mock.NewMockBeaconChain_StreamAttestationsServer(ctrl)
go func(tt *testing.T) {
err := server.StreamAttestations(
assert.ErrorContains(tt, "Context canceled", err)
exitRoutine <- true

func TestServer_StreamAttestations_OnSlotTick(t *testing.T) {
exitRoutine := make(chan bool)
ctrl := gomock.NewController(t)
defer ctrl.Finish()
ctx := context.Background()
chainService := &chainMock.ChainService{}
server := &Server{
Ctx: ctx,
AttestationNotifier: chainService.OperationNotifier(),

atts := []*ethpb.Attestation{
util.HydrateAttestation(&ethpb.Attestation{Data: &ethpb.AttestationData{Slot: 1}, AggregationBits: bitfield.Bitlist{0b1101}}),
util.HydrateAttestation(&ethpb.Attestation{Data: &ethpb.AttestationData{Slot: 2}, AggregationBits: bitfield.Bitlist{0b1101}}),
util.HydrateAttestation(&ethpb.Attestation{Data: &ethpb.AttestationData{Slot: 3}, AggregationBits: bitfield.Bitlist{0b1101}}),

mockStream := mock.NewMockBeaconChain_StreamAttestationsServer(ctrl)
mockStream.EXPECT().Send(atts[2]).Do(func(arg0 interface{}) {
exitRoutine <- true

go func(tt *testing.T) {
assert.NoError(tt, server.StreamAttestations(&emptypb.Empty{}, mockStream), "Could not call RPC method")
for i := 0; i < len(atts); i++ {
// Send in a loop to ensure it is delivered (busy wait for the service to subscribe to the state feed).
for sent := 0; sent == 0; {
sent = server.AttestationNotifier.OperationFeed().Send(&feed.Event{
Type: operation.UnaggregatedAttReceived,
Data: &operation.UnAggregatedAttReceivedData{Attestation: atts[i]},

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