An AngularJS directive to display a context menu when a right-click event is triggered
Please email me at
Install using Bower:
bower install ng-context-menu --save
Include ng-context-menu.min.js in your app.
var app = angular.module('menu-demo', ['ngRoute', 'ng-context-menu'])
Note that the data-target
attribute value must match the id
of the menu in the next step.
<div context-menu class="panel panel-default position-fixed"
data-target="menu-{{ $index }}"
ng-class="{ 'highlight': highlight, 'expanded' : expanded }">
Customize the menu to your needs. It may look something like:
<div class="dropdown position-fixed" id="menu-{{ $index }}">
<ul class="dropdown-menu" role="menu">
<a class="pointer" role="menuitem" tabindex="1"
ng-click="panel.highlight = true">
Select Panel {{ $index + 1 }}
<a class="pointer" role="menuitem" tabindex="2"
ng-click="panel.highlight = false">
Deselect Panel {{ $index + 1 }}
<a class="pointer" role="menuitem" tabindex="3"
ng-click="panel.expanded = true">
Expand Panel {{ $index + 1 }}
<a class="pointer" role="menuitem" tabindex="4"
ng-click="panel.expanded = false">
Contract Panel {{ $index + 1 }}
<a class="pointer" role="menuitem" tabindex="5"
Add a panel
<a href=""
ng-context-menu on GitHub
As you can see in the demo, I just created a class called position-fixed and added the property:
.position-fixed {
position: fixed;
If you need to disable the contextmenu in certain circumstances, you can add an expression to the
attribute. If the expression evaluates to true, the contextmenu will be
disabled, for example, context-menu-disabled="1 === 1"
You can add a callback function to the context-menu
property which will be
called when the menu is opened:
<div context-menu="onShow()">
<!-- ... -->
Add the following attribute to the context-menu
element: context-menu-close
which should be a function
that will be called whenever the context menu is closed.
<div context-menu context-menu-close="onClose()">
<!-- ... -->
Add the following attribute to the context-menu
element: context-menu-margin-bottom
to keep the context menu
away from the bottom of the page at least by this attribute value in pixels.
<div context-menu context-menu-margin-bottom="10">
<!-- ... -->
I hope you find this useful!
⌁ Ian