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UniCHIP8 Opcodes

Scott Elcomb edited this page Jun 6, 2018 · 13 revisions
opcode mnemonic description
0E00 test test router
0E01 call call a method on the gameObject. v0-v1 should point to the address of the string containing the the method name
0E02 broadcast calls a method on the gameObject and all it's children. v0-v1 should point to the address of the string containing the the method name
0E03 send send the bytes in the dataport to the targetGameObject
0E1N moveX targetGameObject.transform.position.x = vN
0E2N moveY targetGameObject.transform.position.y = vN
0E3N moveZ targetGameObject.transform.position.z = vN
0E4N rotateX targetGameObject.transform.localRotation.x = vN
0E5N rotateY targetGameObject.transform.localRotation.y = vN
0E6N rotateZ targetGameObject.transform.localRotation.z = vN
0E7N scaleX targetGameObject.transform.localScale.x = vN
0E8N scaleY targetGameObject.transform.localScale.y = vN
0E9N scaleZ targetGameObject.transform.localScale.z = vN
0EAN create create targetGameObject from prefabs[vN]
0EB0 createCube create targetGameObject from a cube primitive
0EB1 createSphere create targetGameObject from a sphere primitive
0EB2 createCylinder create targetGameObject from a cylinder primitive
0EB3 createCapsule create targetGameObject from a capsule primitive
0EB4 createPlane create targetGameObject from a plane primitive
0EB5 createQuad create targetGameObject from a quad primitive
0EB6 move targetGameObject.position = new Vector3(v0, v1, v2)
0EB7 rotate targetGameObject.transform.localRotation = new Vector3(v0, v1, v2)
0EB8 scale targetGameObject.transform.localScale = new Vector3(v0, v1, v2)
0EB9 reparent targetGameObject to parentGameObject, whose name is stored in the string at the address pointed to by v0 and v1
0EBA addMaterial adds a material to targetGameObject
0EBB setMaterialColor sets the targetGameObject main material color
0EBC createEmpty create targetGameObject as an empty GameObject
0EBD lookAt targetGameObject looks at another GameObject
0EBF destroy destroy the targetGameObject
0EC0 createDirectionalLight create an empty targetGameObject with a light component
0EC1 createPointLight create an empty targetGameObject with a light component
0EC2 createSpotLight create an empty targetGameObject with a light component
0EC4 setLightColor set the light on targetGameObject to the color in v0-v3
0EC5 setLightIntensity set the light on targetGameObject to the intensity in v0
0EF9 logging enable or disable logging using v0 as flag
0EFA compatibilityMode enable CHIP-8 compatibility
0EFB clockMultiplier set the clock multiplier specified in v0
0EFC pause set manual breakpoints in code
0EFD halt an alias for pause
0EFE reset resets registers to their initial power on states
0EFF powerDown simulates a power down and resets the system
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