Automatic color temperature controller for hyprsunset.
Add this line to your hyprland.conf
exec-once = sunsetr &
Alternatively, you can place and use the Systemd service and enable it:
systemctl --user enable --now sunsetr.service
If you want to test different temperatures before setting your sunset temp in the config, I recommend using hyprsunset directly:
pkill sunsetr
hyprsunset -t 4000
A default config will be generated on the first run.
can be found in ~/.config/hypr/sunsetr.toml
# Sunsetr configuration
sunset = "19:00:00" # Time to transition to night mode (HH:MM:SS)
sunrise = "06:00:00" # Time to transition to day mode (HH:MM:SS)
temp = 4000 # Color temperature after sunset (1000-6500) Kelvin
AUR installation coming soon.
You will need to have Rust version 1.78.0 or greater installed. Clone the repo, cd into sunsetr, then:
cargo build --release
You can find the sunsetr
binary in the ./target/release
directory and move it to /usr/local/bin
or where ever you place your custom binaries.
This controller has only been tested on these versions of Hyprland and hyprsunset:
- Hyprland 0.47.2
- hyprsunset v0.1.0
- Set up AUR package
- Implement gradual transitions
- Make Nix installation available
Thanks to Vaxry and the Hyprwm team for making the best Wayland experience possible for the rest of us.