- Bengaluru
- @psk_907
- psk_907
- in/suraj-kumar-p
- Pro
fluttermoji Public
A light-weight and highly customizable SVG graphic set for Flutter which generates avatars and provides a Customizer Widget, personalized CircleAvatar and other utility functions.
gpt_index Public
Forked from run-llama/llama_indexLlamaIndex (GPT Index) is a project that provides a central interface to connect your LLM's with external data.
Python MIT License UpdatedMar 12, 2023 -
ksp-submission Public
Forked from hack2skill/ksp-submissionThis repository is created for Karnataka State Police Hackathon 2023 - submission collection.
Compiler_Design Public
Forked from jugal13/Compiler-DesignCompiler Design Lab 6th Sem
C++ UpdatedAug 7, 2022 -
cosmic-pursuit Public
Treasure Hunt Platform for RIT S.T.A.R.D.U.ST. Organized on 10th June 2022 with over 150 participants.
6sem-web-lab Public
MERN stack project for 6th Sem Web Lab - CSE
hacktable Public
Simple and reliable SOS app backed by powerful data analytics. Trigger a 2-tier distress signal when facing an untoward situation. Accompanied by voice-enabled reporting & AI insights for authorities.
Elemental Public
Forked from data-charya/ElementalA periodic table app with 3D view of the elements built using flutter.
class-join Public
Python script that automatically launches the class URL from a data.json file based on the current day and time.
music-player-framework-in-c Public
A simple and efficient architecture that models the core functionality of modern day music player software such as Windows Media Player, VLC Media Player and Google Play Music.
codefury-cache-in Public
CodeFury 3.0 Submission | Cache-in | Nowkri
75Down Public
[Game] This is "75 Down!!", a remake of the Very Popular Arcade game of the 80's and 90's, now for android.🕹️🔥
PHP UpdatedMay 16, 2020 -
A minimal implementation of a Covid19 Tracker for Flutter
Dart UpdatedMay 14, 2020 -
ComfortZone-SIH Public
Forked from impracticalcoders/ComfortZone-SIHObjective-C UpdatedNov 28, 2019 -
Space-Shooter-Arcade Public
[Game] This android game is an extension and advanced version of the Unity tutorial project . You can download the APK from the project repository.
1 UpdatedOct 2, 2019 -
ImpCoders-codefury2.0 Public
Forked from aakashpothepalli/ImpCoders-codefury2.0JavaScript UpdatedSep 15, 2019