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MiniJava to LLVM-IR Compiler

This was a Spring 2021 semester project for the University of Athens Compilers course.

Written in Java, it accepts a MiniJava file, performs Semantic checking and generates an equivalent LLVM-IR file that can be compiled to an executable binary by Clang.


  • make
  • Java (any version >= 8 will do the job)
  • JavaCC 5, along with a University of Athens patched version of JTB 1.3.2 are used for Parsing and Parse Tree generation. (The .jar files for both are included, but can be found here as well.)

Compilation/Execution instructions

To build:

  • In the project root, cd MiniJavaLLVMCompiler
  • Run make.

To compile one or multiple files, run java Main <file> <rest files>*.

To clean up all generated files when done, run make clean.


  • The program checks the input MiniJava file for semantic errors.
    If any error is found, it will be reported and the compilation of the current file will stop, so no more errors will be reported.
  • If no semantic errors are detected, the program generates the equivalent LLVM-IR .ll file.
    No variable initialization checks are made, and all created variables/arrays are 0-byte initialized at runtime. The compiler tries to mirror the JVM behaviour regarding Array out of bounds access errors. It checks every index access at runtime and if such an error is detected, it is reported and the execution stops.

Parse Tree Visitors

This program takes advantage of Visitor Pattern. 4 Visitors are used in the below order:

  • ClassNameCollector: Collects and stores all class names declared in the file.
  • Declaration Collector: Collects and stores all fields and methods declared in classes.
  • FunctionBodyAnalyzer: Performs static checking in method bodies, while taking into account all the stored information up to that point. If an error is detected, it is reported and the compilation of the current target file will is aborted.
  • IRGenerator: Creates the output LLVM-IR file.

Class Information

  • In a ClassInfo object, the class name, superclass, fields, methods and offsets are stored. The visitors handle a Map structure containing one such object for each class in the file.
  • Class fields are also stored in a Map structure containing FieldInfo objects. Each FieldInfo has its respective offset and a VariableInfo object, which is essentially a pair of name and type strings.
  • Class methods are stored in a Map structure as well, which consists of MethodInfo objects. Each MethodInfo has its respective offset and a FunctionInfo object, which contains the method name, return type and parameter types.

Virtual Table

A VirtualTable object maps Method names to Method objects. All classes in the MiniJava file an object of this type. When a class extends a superclass, it provides the Virtual Table to the superclass (recursively), to store its methods first, and the subclass methods are added afterwards. If a method overrides a superclass method, it replaces it and obtains its offset.

Symbol Table

  • The Symbol Table only stores local variables and class fields, since methods can be looked-up in ClassInfo objects, and uses a Stack (Deque) of ScopeSymbols. When entering a Class, all fields (including superclass fields) are pushed in the Stack: If e.g. class B extends A, class A fields will be pushed first, and class B fields will be pushed afterwards. When analyzing a class B method, all parameters and local variables will be pushed, and when done, they will be popped. When we are done with the class, the fields will also be popped.
  • When an identifier name is looked-up in the Symbol Table, we start searching the first ScopeSymbols object in the Stack and then search the rest until an entry associated with that name is found.


  • Each visit method in this visitor returns a String, which indicates the type of the evaluated expression, or null, if the statement does not need to be evaluated (loops, declarations etc.).

The Visitor stores:

  • A Map (classInfos), used by the previous Visitors to store Classes along with their fields and methods,
  • A currentClass slot were the Class of the Method that is currently being visited is stored.
  • A Symbol Table, used as described above.


  • Each visit method in this visitor returns a String, which is the name of the register where the evaluated expression is stored, or null, if this is not needed.
    The second argument is also a String, which essentially is a slot for extra information to be provided to visit(Identifier, String) method:
    • If the argument is null, then the method returns the name of the identifier.
    • If the argument is "lvalue", then the method returns the stack register that refers to the variable (and essentially contains the variable address).
    • If the argument is "rvalue", then the variable of the above register is loaded into a new register, which contains the variable value, and this new register is returned.

The Visitor stores:

  • The classInfos Map used by the previous visitors,
  • A currentClass slot were the Class of the Method that is currently being visited is stored. This allows to quickly determine the class type of the object stored in %this.
  • A Symbol Table, used as described above,
  • A FileWriter used to write to output .ll file,
  • Counters used for generating new register and label names,
  • A Map (objectRegisters) which connects registers (which point to objects) to the Class of their object. This is useful in method calls (MessageSend's), to determine the class type of the caller object (and therefore decide which class VirtualTable to lookup to get the method offset). This maps local function registers, therefore it is cleared as soon as the function body has been generated.

Development & Testing

Developed and tested in WSL Ubuntu 20.04, using Visual Studio Code.

  • javacc5.jar and jtb132di.jar files were used for JavaCC and JTB respectively.
  • Java SE-14 was used in development & testing.
  • Clang 10.0.0 was used for compiling and executing .ll files produced by the Generator.


A MiniJava ➡️ LLVM-IR compiler, written in Java ☕







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