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Preview Deployments

Alex Kiessling edited this page Sep 12, 2024 · 2 revisions

TODO: Update wiki. The preview/ branch name convention is deprecated. Now all you need to do to deploy a preview is add the "preview" label to your PR.

ScholarSphere 4 has N number of "dev" environments where Developers can have their code running in a production-like, isolated environment.


Branch Name

we tell CI/CD that we want to have a deployment for our hacking by prefixing the branch name with preview/


git checkout -b preview/super-rad-thing

Everything after the prefix is slugified, and the output is considered the "environment"

The branch will be slugified so that a DNS compliant address can be used. Slugification uses the following pattern:

sed -e "s/[^[:alnum:]]/-/g" | tr -s "-" | tr A-Z a-z| sed -e "s/preview-//g"

in short: all SHOUT CASE gets converted to lowercase, any non alnum character gets turned into a - and any repeating - gets smashed down into 1 examples:

preview/ISSUE#234%of_users => issue-234-of-users
preview/some_thing__neat => some-thing-neat
preview/THIS_IS_SO_COOL => this-is-so-cool
preview/i(things)$%#0-go_here => i-things-0-go-here

Domain Name

Given CI is green, you'll get a release called "scholarsphere-{{ environment }}



If you need access to the rails console, or database access etc, check out the following guide.

Azure AD

Presently we can't automate the creation of reply urls for oauth. If you need to test login/logout functionality you'll need to add a reply URL to the app.

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