An embedded Java mock for AWS Kinesis Firehose
FirehoseMock firehoseMock = FirehoseMock.defaultMock();
Integer port = firehoseMock.getPort();
FirehoseMock firehoseMock = new FirehoseMock.Builder()
.withPort(7070) // Optional - If not supplied will use a random free port
.withAmazonS3Client(amazonS3) // Optional - If not supplied will use AmazonS3ClientBuilder.defaultClient()
.withJestClient(jestClient) // Optional - If not supplied will use JestClientFactory().getObject()
You can then interact with the mock using the AWS Kinesis Firehose SDK - as you would interact with firehose normally.
However you will need to set the client's endpoint to localhost:<port>
is an optional helper class used to setup the client and create requests that are supported with
this mock.
AmazonKinesisFirehose firehoseClient = AWSFirehoseUtil.createClient("", "eu-west-1");
PutRecordRequest putRequest = AWSFirehoseUtil.createPutRequest("myDeliveryStream", "myData");
ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration s3StreamConfig = AWSFirehoseUtil.createS3DeliveryStream()
CreateDeliveryStreamRequest createDeliveryStreamRequest = AWSFirehoseUtil.createS3DeliveryStreamRequest("myDeliverStream", s3StreamConfig);
ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration elasticsearchDestinationConfiguration = AWSFirehoseUtil.createElasticsearchDeliveryStream()
CreateDeliveryStreamRequest createDeliveryStreamRequest = AWSFirehoseUtil.createElasticsearchDeliveryStreamRequest("myStream", elasticsearchDestinationConfiguration)
DeleteDeliveryStreamRequest deleteStreamRequest = AWSFirehoseUtil.deleteDeliveryStreamRequest(streamName);
Firehose Mock is a WIP and so far only supports the following 3 APIs.
"DeliveryStreamName": "string",
"Record": {
"Data": "myBase64EncodedString"
See AWS PutRecord API Docs for more details.
Currently FirehoseMock supports S3 Delivery Streams and Elasticsearch Delivery Streams with the following options:
"DeliveryStreamName": "string",
"ExtendedS3DestinationConfiguration": {
"BucketARN": "string", // Required
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": number, // Optional - Default: 300
"SizeInMBs": number // Optional - Default: 5
"CompressionFormat": "string", // Optional - Default: UNCOMPRESSED
"Prefix": "string" // Optional - Default: ""
"ElasticsearchDestinationConfiguration": {
"BufferingHints": {
"IntervalInSeconds": number, // Optional - Default: 300
"SizeInMBs": number // Optional - Default: 5
"DomainARN": "string",
"IndexName": "string",
"IndexRotationPeriod": "string", // Optional - Default: OneMonth
"RoleARN": "string",
"TypeName": "string"
See AWS CreateDeliveryStream API Docs for more details.
"DeliveryStreamName": "string"
See AWS DeleteDeliveryStream API Docs for more details.
Copyright (C) 2017 Peter Timson
Copyright (C) 2018 Tomasz Bielaszewski
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0