This project contains the development of the two distinct languages, DEC1 and DEC2, both functional imperative languages with bounded recursion and generic side-effects, deeply embedded in Coq. Both languages are specified in terms of small-step semantics (SOS).
The DEC languages have been designed as intermediate languages to support the translation to C of the Pip protokernel (Pip is available at
The development of DEC1 includes a Hoare logic and a verification case study discussed in a VSTTE 2018 paper (see the documentation folder for a version of the paper and the slides).
DEC2 includes a proof of the adequacy of its reflection in Gallina with respect to its operational semantics, and its translation to CompCert C (using CompCert-3.0.1).
Coq 8.6.
src/langspec: language definition of DEC1
src/DEC1: full language development of DEC1 with case study on the verification of Pip invariants
src/DEC2: full language development of DEC2 with translation to CompCert C
documentation on DEC1 in doc: DEC1_spec.tex (language specification), vstte2018.pdf (VSTTE 2018 paper), vstte2018_slides.pdf (VSTTE 2018 slides), MSCherif_project_report.pdf (BSc student project report)
documentation on DEC2 in doc: ENTROPY18_DEC2_slides.pdf (ENTROPY 2018 slides on DEC2), DEC2_notes.pdf (introduction and reflection in Gallina), DEC2_to_CompCertC_info_txt (translation to CompCert C), Gallina_to_DEC2_spec.txt (on translating from Gallina to DEC2)
see src/DEC1/
EnvLib.v: auxiliary library
ModTyp.v: module type
BaseMod.v: base module
LangSpec.v: DEC1 language specification including
syntax definition
static semantics
small-step dynamic semantics
see src/DEC1/
see src/DEC2/
run './make2file' to create the Makefile, then 'make' to build the project
run './makedoc' to generate the pdf documentation (in doc, requires pdflatex) and the coqdoc html documentation (in coqdoc)
go to src/DEC1/ and run 'make'
go to src/DEC2/ and run 'make'
The developers of DEC1 are
Paolo Torrini
David Nowak
Case study contributors:
Mohamed Sami Cherif
Narjes Jomaa
The developer of DEC2 is Paolo Torrini
The source code is covered by a CeCILL-A licence.